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Emily Meets Amber Chia

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Amber Chia Academy
the ravishing Amber Chia

One of the headaches I have when MOFEW is just around the corner is deciding on the day to visit it. Obviously, I would love to be there on all three days, even though I am no shopaholic. Last year, I went on the first day itself. This year, I decided to visit on the third day, and that was one of the best decisions I made as I got to meet Amber Chia herself!

Amber Chia Academy
a second shot of the model from Amber Chia Academy

Amber Chia Academy had a booth at MOFEW 2011. In fact, it was the official modeling and makeup academy. So on Sunday, Amber made a visit to her booth, and was on hand to talk to visitors, explaining the course modules offered by her Academy.

Amber Chia Academy
heels designed by Amber Chia herself


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