Top Ten Tips For Visiting the Dead Sea in Jordan
If you visit Jordan, you must fit the Dead Sea into your itinerary. Otherwise, your tour of Jordan is not “valid”! Trust me, one must experience the Dead Sea to believe its phenomenon of not sinking!
Most importantly, on your way to the Dead Sea, remember to stop by for a photograph at the zero sea level point, which is just 18km from the Dead Sea.

Although I knew that I won’t sink, it was still difficult for me to let go of my fear as I had the feeling of being washed away. The waves were quite strong when we were there one afternoon, which resulted in the drowning of the props that I brought along for photo taking.

Do you know why the Dead Sea is known as such? It is because nothing can survive in the Dead Sea; the sea water contains 35% of salt, far too salinated for marine inhabitation. At 428m below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point in Earth!

A dip in the Dead Sea is said to be good for the skin. Indeed, with 92% content of minerals, it’s nourishment for the skin. For added effect, apply a layer of Dead Sea mud, keep it on for about 15 minutes and then wash off in the Dead Sea. One would then look sparkling, thanks to the properties in the Dead Sea mud.

Due to the fact that the sea water is 10° – 12°C hotter than outdoor temperature, visitors are advised to only stay in the water for no longer than twenty minutes.

During my trip, it was extremely hot. It did not help matters that we were there in the middle of the day. Nonetheless, it was an eye-opening experience, even if it was for just a short while.

Are you aware that over the last 110 years, more than 40% of the Dead Sea was lost? In 1900, the Dead Sea was as wide as 1000sq. m but it is only 600sq. m today. Currently, only Jordan River is the main water supplier to the Dead Sea, so the authorities are building a tunnel to channel water from the Red Sea.

In view of this, if you do not make a visit in the near future, when should you? There are a number of access points to the Dead Sea from the Jordanian side. Entrance fee is any amount from JOD10 to JOD15 per visitor. There may be a difference in weekday and weekend prices. And it would be great if you are allowed access to shower stalls and lockers.

Some beaches come with free Dead Sea mud, while others charge JOD3 (or USD5) inclusive of application service. However, if one is petite, or just wants to apply the mud on his or her face, it is possible to negotiate for a lower price.

After my personal experience, I can now share with you ten things you need to know before your trip to the Dead Sea.
1) Bring sun block, hat, sunglasses or whatever else you need to keep yourself from sunburn.
2) Bring goggles as the sea water can really sting the eyes.
3) Bring a bottle of clean water to wash your eyes should the sea water get into them.
4) Bring props for photography; something that can withstand water. Magazine, umbrella, sunglasses and a glass of wine come to mind.
5) Bring cash for entrance ticket, Dead Sea mud, rental of locker or souvenir.
6) Bring waterproof camera – you don’t want your equipment destroyed if the waves get too strong.
7) Do not dive.
8) You can’t really swim in the Dead Sea.
9) Float on your back.
10) Stay close to the shore or you will be washed away to the opposite side of the sea, as you won’t be able to swim back.
So, there you have it! To learn more about the Dead Sea, CLICK HERE.
The Dead Sea was one of the attractions visited by delegates of Kelab Sukan dan Kebajikan Media Perak (KSKMP). The delegation was on a humanitarian mission-cum-cultural exchange programme to Jordan from 23rd – 29th July, 2017.
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thanks for the tips. I must visit it one day
Waaa My wishlist to go there one day. I want to try swimming in the dead sea.
WOW, you’ve been to the Dead Sea! Thanks for sharing these tips. I wonder what other interesting activities to do there?
salah satu tempat yang saya teringin nak pergi…harap2 dapat pergi satu masa nanti
Nice tips. I still remember back then when i was a kid, the adults tell me stories about the Dead Sea. And i’m so amazed & wanted to go there.
My aunt and my uncle went there 3 years back and they were enjoying themselves so much that they wanted to do it again. Hehe
I love those palm tree. Good for photoshoot =)
You are so lucky to be able to visit the dead sea in Jordon. Thanks for sharing the amazing tips that i shall keep in my when i plan to visit Jordon one day 🙂
I’ve been fascinated by the Dead Sea in Jordan for years now! My kids would love to go there, of course (floating in the sea would seem like magic to them *lol*) but I’d just go for the skin-enhancing properties!
I have a dream of wating to see and soak myself here too.. guess only time will tell if my dream will ever come true
so u did not swim? cause no picture of you. I can tell how hot and sunny there..but still it was beautiful..
lucky you! im jelous