Ipoh Mayor Breaks Fast With Orphans & Single Mothers
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The Mayor of Ipoh City, Dato’ Hj. Roshidi Hj. Hashim, broke fast with children from two orphanages and single mothers with their children. This was a collaborative Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of the Ipoh City Council with Impiana Hotel Ipoh and Astro.
The two orphanages were Rumah Anak Yatim Baitul Aini and Yayasan An-nur Maisarah while the single mothers, twenty of them, were staff of Ipoh City Council.
Actually, this breaking of fast function at Impiana Hotel Ipoh was the final one in a series by the Ipoh City Council for this month of Ramadhan as the Council had earlier held similar sessions at other hotels in the city.
After a sumptuous meal, the children and single mothers received goodie bags and “duit raya” from their sponsors. A lot of happiness was spread that evening!
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