Ipoh Chin Woo Cultural Night: Cantonese Opera
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First story:
General Tik Ching was instructed by his Emperor to be an army backup during a war. Journeying to an outpost, he lost his way and was captured by a neighbouring country. A princess spotted him amongst the prisoners and married him because of his good looks. Thus, the general became the son-in-law of the emperor.
Meanwhile, in his native country, the emperor heard the news of General Tik Ching’s “betrayal” and caught his mother to indirectly punish him. Word got back to General Tik Ching and he was very worried. He wanted to return to his country to rescue his mother.
General Tik Ching wanted to rescue his mother but he had no means because his horse and arms had been confiscated by the princess. The princess tried to guess his worries but failed to do so. In the end, General Tik Ching decided to intoxicate his wife with alcohol so that he could gather his horse and arms and return to his native country.
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