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Using Facebook Groups to Grow Your Business

Using Facebook Groups to Grow Your Business

An introduction to using Facebook groups to grow and develop your business.

Facebook groups are a powerful marketing tool, helping you attract new customers and engage current ones with exclusive content, community and support.

Using Facebook Groups to Grow Your Business

This interactive workshop will cover:

What is a group and why is it different to a page?
What’s the big deal about groups? What are the benefits?
Is a group right for you?
Using other people’s groups to your advantage
Creating your own group
Posting in your group
Encouraging engagement in your group
Growing your group
Best practices
Looking specifically at groups for your business
Generating ideas for groups which will work for you

Feedback from previous attendees:

“The delivery was spot on and it was brilliant that we had time allotted within the session to relate the teachings back to our own business.”

You will leave this session with…
A better understanding of Facebook Groups
And how you will use them for your business
Inspiration and ideas for content
An action plan
A typical month’s calendar
Lots of useful downloads

Date & time: 2 Sept, 2021 (5pm – 8pm UTC+8)
Register HERE.

With love

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