Plastic Orchids
Some time back, I wrote a post on latex orchids. When I saw these plastic orchids for sale last evening, I thought I would take a few shots for comparison’s sake. I tell you hoh… these may look nice at a glance but they are really ugly lah, close up.

I took a cursory glance at the price tag but the figures have totally escaped my mind right now. They also stated the species of the orchids on the price tags, all of which I am unfamiliar with. Yes, even though I used to have orchids at home because my father loves orchids.

I guess I, on the other hand, just love to admire the beauty of orchids without going into the scientific side!

Of course, when compared, the latex orchids looked more real than plastic orchids. You know, when I came across those latex orchids, I thought that they were real plants but these, these looked uummm PLASTIC for want of a better word, and would make an awful Father’s Day gift!

I wonder if there are people buying these!?! Whatever for? I could think of better ways to spend the money.

Do you have some of light green plastic orchids with long stems?