Pesta Orkid & Flora @ Ipoh Walk Night Bazaar

Went to check out the 10-day Pesta Orkid & Flora at the new Ipoh Walk Night Bazaar.

I had already been to several orchid fests and just wanted to see if this offered something different.

I didn’t have anything in mind to purchase and in fact, the tree saplings that I bought during the previous orchid fest are still waiting to be transplanted!

Anyway, here are some photos that I took to share with you.

Other side events lined up during these ten days include auctions, lucky draws and stage performances by local bands such as #Harry_Khalifah and #Auntie_band.

Didn’t stay long at the fest as I was already running late for another event. LOL

So, are you more interested in the flowers or the trees? Have you heard of the Abiu fruit before?

Event: Pesta Orkid & Flora
Venue: Ipoh Walk Night Bazaar
Date: 6th – 15th Oct, 2017
Time: 10am – 12 midnight

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Wow! I didn’t know they had an orchid fest! I’ve never been to one! Hopefully I will be go for the next one!
I like orchid so much. I wish they have the event in KL.
Oohh.. so lovely all the flowers. What? There’s actually a red cactus? Interesting!
Always love orchids. They do however test one’s patience though. Loved the spread in KL airport too!
This is happening in Ipoh? Got to bring my grand mother. She gonna love to see those orkid.
The flower look so pretty! I remember I visit this kind of flower festival at Putrajaya! Miss it and looking at pretty flower make us feel happier.
Wow! These flowers are so beaitiful. Didn’t know cactus can be so colorful too.
I swear I feel like I should move to Ipoh…T.T Everything there is relatively cheaper even events…and I so want to get my hands on those colourful cacti!
what a haven for people who love plants and flowers… so pretty and attractive… wish I could have experienced that too
i can’t remember the last time someone mentioned cabai burung instead of cili padi. hahaha.. did you grab some to bring home? Spicy stuff
It’s been a while since I visited a flower market. It was in Hong Kong’s flower market before I visited the Lady’s Market.
Those cacti are so gorgeous! Did you buy some?
Haha, I did not buy any cactus. It’ll die from lack of love.
Wow! These flowers are so beautiful. Didn’t know cactus can be so colorful too. I love it.
This looks like a nice night market to visit. I love flowers and plants and it’s awesome to see so many varieties of plants to choose from.