Perak Academy Lecture: Perak Royalty & Nobility: Its History, Succession, Etiquette & Decorations
It is without a doubt that of all the sultanates in the Malay Peninsula, the Perak sultanate is the most complex, so much so that even Perakians are ignorant about or confused over. Understandably, when there are, or are supposed to be, heirs from four different royal families who rotate amongst themselves to ascend to the throne as the Sultan of Perak.
This is how Perak’s unique succession differs from the other sultanates, where the sultan’s eldest son, as first in line to the throne, automatically ascends as Sultan of the state in the event of the passing or incapacitation of his father. Even whilst the rotation is in progress, ultimately, the Perak monarch is chosen by the royal court known as Dewan Negara Perak. It comprises seven Titled Royals (Sultan, Raja Muda, Raja Di Hilir, Raja Kecil Besar, Raja Kecil Sulong, Raja Kecil Tengah and Raja Kecil Bongsu), 13 Major Chieftains and 11 state dignitaries, totalling 31. Of the eleven state dignitaries, all of whom are by the Sultan’s appointment, one is always a non-Malay. Each appointment is for a term of two years, for a maximum of two terms. However, as with everything related to the Sultan, this compliance is not set in stone as changes are up to royal prerogative, or as we say, “at the pleasure of the Sultan.”
Rich in culture and customs, the Perak sultanate dates back to 1528 when Raja Mudzafar Shah, a prince of the last Sultan Mahmud Shah of Melaka, was installed as the first Sultan of Perak. Perak’s current Sultan, HRH Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-Lah is the 35th Sultan of Perak, since May 2014, when he was enthroned, following the demise of his father, the late HRH Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Yussuff Izzuddin Shah Ghafarullahu-lah, the 34th Sultan of Perak.
While it was mentioned that in Perak, the heir doesn’t automatically ascend to the throne, this was an exceptional case, as explained by Dr Adib Vincent Tung Bin Abdullah, the speaker who was invited by Perak Academy to present a talk (24th Series, 2nd Talk) on Perak Royalty and Nobility – its History, Succession, Etiquette & Decorations.
Watch this full 1.5-hour captivating presentation by Dr Adib.
Dr Adib Vincent Tung Bin Abdullah holds a doctoral degree in Business Administration, majoring in cross-culture management. Although he has penned many articles, brochures, and books on a vast range of topics, Perak’s Royalty and Nobility are probably closest to his heart as he has expressly written and published three books on these subjects:
1. Titles and Ceremonial Traditions of the Royalty and Nobility of the state of Perak, Malaysia (in English)
2. Adat Pusaka Raja-Raja dan Orang Besar-Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan (in Malay)
3. Undang-undang Darjah-darjah Kebesaran dan Pingat-pingat, Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia [Statutes of Orders and Medals of the state of Perak, Malaysia] (in Malay and English)
To purchase any of these books, contact the Perak Academy by email at or WhatsApp 016-4123742.
Event: Perak Academy Lecture: Perak Royalty & Nobility: Its History, Succession, Etiquette & Decorations
Venue: 1, Jalan Lasam, 30350 Ipoh.
Date: 20th March, 2023
Time: 8pm