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Great Lord PanGu Festival in Ipoh, Perak

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
1. Poon Koo Khong, Gunung Rapat

Invited to participate in the three-day festival of Lord PanGu, I managed to drop by at the temple on the second day, and caught the procession of Taoist deities.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
2. main prayer hall

The Great Lord PanGu (Pan Gu Yeh) is an ancient Taoist supreme deity. According to some Chinese mythology, PanGu was the first living being and the creator of all.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
3. close-up shot of Great Lord PanGu at the main altar, above other high ranked Taoist deities

The Supreme Deity’s temple is located in Taman Saikat, Gunung Rapat, Ipoh, just a short distance from Qing Xin Ling Leisure & Cultural Village.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
4. food offerings during the festival

Great Lord PanGu’s annual festival is celebrated over thee days from 10th moon 14th day until 16th day according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
5. robe offering to the deities

After the festival celebration, the temple holds a dinner for devotees. This year, it is on December 14 (Sunday), 6.30pm at Gunung Rapat Fu De Chi Hall.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
6. high ranked Taoist deities

The temple’s annual programme is as follows:

First day: 10th moon 14th day
Time: 7pm
Programme: Buffet/Karaoke

Time: 8.30pm
Programme: Welcoming of the deities / spiritual consultation

Second day: 10th moon 15th day
Time: 7pm
Programme: Deities procession starting from Gunung Rapat Ipoh Jaya

Time: 10pm
Programme: Arrival of Keeper of Hell (Hades) (Pak Yeh / Da Er Bo Ye) / spiritual consultation

Third day: 10th moon 16th day
Time: 7pm
Programme: Buffet/Karaoke

Time: 8pm
Programme: Enhancement of luck and fortune for devotees / burning of the paper ship ceremony

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
7. Keeper of Hell (Hades) / Pak Yeh

In addition, the temple also celebrates Datuk Festival annually on the 8th moon 14th day of the Chinese Lunar calendar.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
8. Lord Grand Duke Jupiter / Tai Sui Yeh

Devotees to the temple can seek religious and spiritual consultation from Tuesday to Saturday from 1.30pm to 5.30pm.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
9. Tiger Deity (Fu Yeh)

Other services are fate analysis, spiritual healing and blessing, matrimonial harmony as well as enhancement of luck, fortune and prosperity for devotees. They can also consult the ancient Supreme Deity regarding auspicious dates concerning important or special occasions.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
10. Earth Deity

All feng shui related issues can also be consulted.

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
11. Datuk's altar

Check out this Wikipedia page on Lord PanGu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangu

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
12. holy flags of the Legendary Five Directional Camps Generals / Marshals

Persatuan Penganut Agama Tao Poon Koo Khoong
Add: Lot 1833, Jalan Raja Musa Mahadi, Gunung Rapat, 31350 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS Coordinates: N 04° 33.808′ E101° 07.342′

Email: poonkookhoong@gmail.com
Facebook: 盤古廟 Poon Koo Khoong

Lord PanGu Festival Ipoh
13. paper ship to ferry departed souls to Western Paradise

*All are welcome. For non-Muslims only.

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With love

One thought on “Great Lord PanGu Festival in Ipoh, Perak

  1. Thank you so much for this write-up. I will visit this temple when I go to Ipoh. Thanks again. 🙂

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