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The World’s Largest Buddha Relics & Tibetan Antiques Cultural Exhibition Series – Perak State [Spotted: Datuk Michelle Yeoh]

Last evening only did I realise that we will be having a long weekend due to Merdeka [Independence Day] celebrations. I thought that staying home would be best to avoid the holiday crowd but if you are back home this weekend (and a non-Muslim) perhaps you would be interested to visit The World’s Largest Buddha Relics & Tibetan Antiques Cultural Exhibition Series in Ipoh, Perak.

This event is organized by the Menglembu Kadhampa Centre of Menglembu, Perak and is held over four days from 28th to 31st August, 2009 at SMJK (C) Perak Girls’ School. Admission is free and it is said that an auspicious gift would be given to the first one thousand visitors daily.

Some of the items exhibited include the sariras of Buddha and past Buddhist masters Kondonna, Maugallana, Purna, Svali, Sariputra and Arahat. Sariras are pearl-like remnants found after the cremation of these Buddhist masters, which are not found in ordinary people. Most of these items are labeled in Chinese so you will have to go and see for yourself as I’m banana!

Date: 28th – 30th August 2009
Time: 10am – 10pm

Date: 31st August, 2009
Time: 10am – 6pm

Venue: SMJK (C) Perak Girls’ School
Contact: 05-2826849 / 012-5069630 / 012-5060228

Naturally, a lot of photos were shot but I am only able to share a few here on my blog. And you know what? Hometown Hollywood superstar Bond Girl Datuk Michelle Yeoh was also spotted at the exhibition in the afternoon of the second day (29th August, 2009). If you do not know who Michelle Yeoh is, knock yourself on the head and go read up on her at http://www.michelleyeoh.info. Thanks also to Jane, webmistress of michelleyeoh.info, for explaining the exhibits to me.

For more photos of The World’s Largest Buddha Relics & Tibetan Antiques Cultural Exhibition, click HERE.
With love

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