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Karnival Jom Rasa (Let’s Taste Carnival)

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wedding cake
golden roses wedding cake

Karnival Jom Rasa (English: Let’s Taste Carnival) wraps up today at 10pm after six days. This is an event organised by Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan (Department of Agriculture, Perak) to promote local food products.

moist chocolate cake
chocolate moist cake

This carnival is almost similar to the earlier event, Karnival Jualan & Promosi Produk Perak Best. In fact, I could recognise some of the entrepreneurs.

orange icing cake
orange icing cake

I didn’t have my camera with me so I had to depend on my Motorola Defy. Heh, yet another opportunity to show off the quality of the phone camera. Please bear in mind that these photos are shot indoors at night under harsh shopping mall lights. Also, I have re-sized them to 800 X 600px.

colourful cupcakes


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