Care Packs for Perak Media
Recognising the struggles and constraints of some media practitioners in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the prevailing Movement Control Order (MCO), newly minted Perak Executive Councillor for Housing, Local Government, Public Transportation & Tourism, Dato’ Nolee Ashilin Mohammed Radzi generously sponsored care packs to media members in the state, through Kelab Sukan dan Kebajikan Media Perak (KSKMP) headed by President Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali.
Dato’ Nolee said, “I was informed that there are some lower income or self-employed media associates who have their livelihood impacted due to the reduction of workforce, especially in the print media. I hope that this donation can help ease the financial burden of our friends, particularly during this MCO period, and in view of the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan and Hari Raya celebration.
“Media partners are also frontliners who provide news coverage to the masses. They also face risks in their course of work during this COVID-19 pandemic.”

Items in the care packs included food essentials and hand sanitisers, as well as duit Raya. These were presented by Tourism Perak Chief Executive Officer Puan Zuraida bt Md. Taib.
Meanwhile, Digital Perak through its acting Chief Executive Officer, Encik Meor Rezal Fitri Dato’ Dr. Haji Meor Redwan, also donated much-needed disposable surgical masks to press friends.

President of KSKMP Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali, in thanking the benefactors, said that the care packs would be distributed to media members who have lost their income, as well as low income earners. He added, “This MCO is a challenging time for all of us. Our friends who have lost their income or saw a reduction in their earnings have to go out of the way to provide for their family. These care packs offer much welcome relief to them at this time of need.
“Heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Dato’ Nolee Ashilin Mohammed Radzi and Digital Perak for their generosity and concern. These care packs have come in a timely manner.”