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Vroom, Vroomm, Vroommm!!!

Earlier this month (ya, ya I know I am late!), I was at a tea gallery and I saw these cute decorations in the shop. I asked permission to take some photos so here they are taken with my Nokia E61i.

These are very cute because the vehicles are small yet they look so real. However, I am afraid that I am not able to capture them on camera. I actually took a few more but they are not fit to be published 😀





With love

6 thoughts on “Vroom, Vroomm, Vroommm!!!

  1. Hi Melvin,

    This is a shop that sells tea but I have forgotten its name. It’s in Medan Ipoh Bestari, next to Redcom, though. Are you familiar with Ipoh?

  2. and i thought u were gonna blog abt ur new love for tea … see, see, blog abt miniature bikes pulak 😛 Ur Nokia is good, can take such shots. I thought a pro blogger like u would be carrying the latest model digicam with her at all times? Where do u stash all ur income? *LOL*

  3. Mommibee,

    I don’t like carrying too many things so I depend on camera phone but these shots are the “best” and believe me, I discard lots of images because they are not up to “my” standard. LOL… Soon, I will be getting a better camera phone and a digital camera but I still won’t be taking the digicam out often. I don’t carry bag wan …too many snatch thieves.

  4. Hi Emily

    Like the miniature. “Cantik” n cute. I’m sure my sons sure luv it.

    I luv Ipoh “white” n black coffee, Nasi Kandar near Tg Rambutan bus stand and “donat” at FBI (French Bakery Ipoh – wonder whether those shop still exist or not)

    Take care and thanks for visiting my page.

    Regards – Ipoh Mali

    SM Saroni’s last blog post..Tips and tricks to get that J. Lo look

  5. Hi SM Saroni!

    So sorry for replying late. I really appreciate your long comment!

    The nasi kandar shop is still around but no longer popular. However, French Bakery has closed.

    Ipoh has changed a lot over the years. if you have the chance, do make a visit here, you would be surprised! 😀

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