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Seashells Handcraft

I was at one of the smaller malls last evening just to run some errands and I chanced upon a seashells handcraft business that just rented a stall in the mall to display their craft work. I took the opportunity to shoot some photos. I think that it takes a lot of patience to glue the shells together to create a decorative item.

I personally think that too much of these seashells overwhelm and they only look good singly. By the way, they look great because they are coated with a layer (or two or three) of lacquer.

I remember I used to go to Teluk Batik and Pangkor almost every school holidays and I used to pick seashells too but they always smell bad after a while because I don’t know how to treat them. I also remember buying a pair of ear-rings and a brooch that were made from seashells. The brooch was given to a good friend of mine during that time but we have since lost touch. I am still keeping the ear-rings though I hardly ever wear them.

cheh…. Whose head is that??

Oh yeah, years ago, a friend gave me a handful of seashells from his holiday in Florida but they became brittle after awhile that I had to throw them away. So much for keepsakes! 🙁
With love

2 thoughts on “Seashells Handcraft

  1. hey, me and my cousins use to go to Teluk Batik for a swim and collect sea shells too! whenever we’re back to grandma’s place that is, and that also when we’re kids. now that we’re all grown up and all, seldom do this kinda stuff anymore. sigh

    _butt’s last blog post..Temptations.

  2. _butt, I dare not swim there because the water was too murky. OK, I admit I don’t know how to swim LOL

    Once we are adults, it is as if my cousins and I are strangers already. It’s kinda sad but then we all have our own lives now.

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