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Christmas Magic Show

Santa Claus magic show
It’s snowing in Ipoh because of magic!

Au Young the Clown put on his other cap and turned Santa Claus this Christmas, putting on an engaging 30-minute magic show at Ipoh Parade two days ago. That’s why it snowed in Ipoh!

Santa Claus magic show
pouring milk into a paper cone

Santa Claus magic show
the milk is gone!

Compared to other Santa Claus magic shows that I have watched, Au Young’s shows are funny, thanks to his touch of humour. He is, after all, a clown first and foremost.

Santa Claus magic show
the big dice trick

Santa Claus magic show
trying to turn a RM50 note into RM500

I have watched Au Young’s Christmas magic shows previously, and I must say, his magic remains fresh and appeals to both children and adults alike. It needs no mention that the overall delivery of his show has improved tremendously since his early days as a magician.

Santa Claus magic show
The owner of the RM50 note refuses to accept it that his note turned into RM1 instead!

Santa Claus magic show
this girl is very happy to have a magic dove resting on her hand

Au Young is an affable person, and the kids, especially, love him. They were rushing to get up on stage when “Santa Claus” called for a couple of helpers.

Santa Claus magic show
this brave 4-year-old has a sword sliced through his neck

Santa Claus magic show
he survives the magic trick and is rewarded with a Santa Claus balloon sculpture

If you are organising a party, Au Young is available either as a clown, Santa Claus or balloon sculptor. Let him know your requirements and Au Young Events would be able to handle it.

Santa Claus magic show
two girls from the audience help out Santa Claus

Santa Claus magic show
and that ends the Christmas magic show…

Event: Christmas Magic Show
Venue: Ipoh Parade, Ipoh
Date: 23rd Dec, 2012
Time: 1pm

To hire Au Young, contact:
Au Young Events
Address: 41, Jalan Merpati, Ipoh Garden, 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. (opposite Kinta City)
Tel: +6017-5642822
Facebook: facebook.com/auyoungkk
email: auyoungevents@gmail.com

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With love

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