Tourism Perak Iftar With Tourism Practitioners & Supporters

Perak’s leading tourism practitioners, supporters and non-governmental organisations involved in the state tourism industry were feted to a delicious buka puasa dinner at Ipoh Heritage Hotel on Tuesday.

The annual event was hosted by Tourism Perak Management Berhad, under the portfolio of newly-appointed Perak State ExCo for Tourism, YB Tan Kar Hing. On the guest list included members of the media and tourism product owners, who were eager to listen to future plans on tourism for the state by the recently appointed ExCo.

YB Tan, in his speech, revealed initiatives that his office has planned for Perak, and they included: ensuring public safety and comfort in tourist points of interest, conduct upgrading works and invest in infrastructure, as well as gather information on existing destinations in order to create attractive tour packages within the state.

The evening wrapped up with the distribution of hampers and duit Raya for all guests.
Event: Tourism Perak Iftar With Tourism Practitioners & Supporters
Venue: Heritage Hotel, Ipoh
Date: 5th June, 2018
Time: 7.20pm
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YB Tan Kan Hing looks very young. I cant wait to see all the packges they offer to tour within Perak. Perak has a lot of attraction places and i cant wait to explore Perak again in the future
This event looks fun. Can mingle around and make new friends also, is it?
The collaboration of tourism practitioners and nongovernmental organizations strongly supports the promotion of tourism in this state. Bravo….
YB muda dan handsome.. hihi mata xle move on tgk YB huhu
Lama tak ke Perak..rindu pulak nk ke sana..:).
Best lah ada event macam ni dibuat utk media dn mereka2 yang banyak support tourism sana..sure dpat ramai kawan baru kan
Good one…NGO n tourisms practitioner…hope other state can apply this too