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Commemorating Earth Hour 2010

My friend, Careyne, who is hosting me the week I am holidaying in Kuala Lumpur (thank you so much, Careyne!), took the trouble to make Earth Hour extra special for me by driving me to see Petronas Twin Towers “Before” and “During” Earth Hour just a few hours ago.

KLCC before Earth Hour 2010

As you can see, I managed to take photos of Petronas Twin Towers, the 3rd tallest buildings in the world, in its lighted glory and a photo of it with most of its lights out in observance of Earth Hour from 8.30pm to 9.30pm.

KLCC during Earth Hour 2010

Careyne then drove me all the way to a place in Ampang called the Lookout Point hoping to see the view “During” and “After” Earth Hour. There is not such a big difference looking over Kuala Lumpur from that point since not many observed Earth Hour, unfortunately.

overlooking Kuala Lumpur city from The Lookout Point in Ampang

Anyway, if you are unfamiliar with Earth Hour, it is a global climate awareness campaign organised by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and was started in Sydney, Australia in 2007. 2010 is the fourth year that it is observed and more and more countries are participating. This year, it is reported that residents from 126 countries are turning off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour from 8.30pm to 9.30pm.
With love

2 thoughts on “Commemorating Earth Hour 2010

  1. I’ve never heard of this before! If I knew it, I would have turned of appliances and lighting. I think it’s a very good initiative!

    Keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing.

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