Amitofo Care Centre (ACC) Appreciation-cum-Cultural Exchange Tour
Thirty children from Malawi and Lesotho, between the ages of 7 and 16 years old, were in Ipoh recently, to thank their local sponsors. Led by Ven. Hui Li, a Buddhist monk originally from Taiwan, and now based in Africa, these children who are orphans, came to Ipoh five years ago, to seek sponsorship for the uplift of their livelihood.
The minimum sponsorship amount for each child is RM50 per month. Today, five years later, they are back to show what they have learnt, and accomplishments achieved thus far.
During this tour of Ipoh, the entourage stopped over at Chin Woo Association, for a night of cultural exchanges. Ipoh Chin Woo disciples performed lion dance, wushu, tai chi and a special glow-in-the-dark dragon dance for the children, that left the audience gasping in awe.
On the other hand, the African children showcased their Shaolin kung fu, particularly the animal-style martial arts, chanted moral percepts of Di Zi Gui and sang popular Mandarin songs to the delight of everyone present.
Video (below): Ipoh Chin Woo Special Glow-In-The-Dark Dragon Dance Performance
It is amazing the depth of kung fu they have grasped in the two short years they were taught by a Shaolin master, and the level of Mandarin they speak that would put any banana Chinese to shame. Besides learning martial arts, Di Zi Gui, and Mandarin, they are also taught Buddhism.
As support for Ven. Hui Li’s good work in eradicating street children in Africa and bringing them up in orphanages, Ipoh Chin Woo donated RM2000 for this worthy cause. The children were presented with a “gold medal” each, as souvenir and a form of moral encouragement.
Under the auspices of Amitofo Charity Association (Taiwan), Ven. Hui Li has under him, more than 3000 charges in various African countries.
He has also toured Japan, Brunei, Thailand, Laos, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines with the children to seek sponsorships for his charity works in Africa.
Event: Amitofo Care Centre Appreciation-cum-Cultural Exchange Tour
Venue: Ipoh Chin Woo, Jalan Hussein
Date: 22nd July, 2013
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
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ACC cultural exchange tour at Chin Woo Association in Ipoh has fostered closer ties between Africa and Malaysia.
Am from Amitofo Care Centre Malawi and i travel many countries to perform kung fu . I want to ask if you have videos of kung fu in Malaysia 2014 ,May to up April
This is my email