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Hospital Selayang [Government Specialist Hospital]

When I said that I want to travel and see places once I am freed from the responsibility of taking care of Snoopy, little did I imagine that I would get to get away from Ipoh every month, planned or unplanned, and yes, I did travel from February onwards, except for one month. April, I think.

Hospital Selayang Government specialist hospital
Hospital Selayang

Hospital Selayang garden
Hospital Selayang garden

A couple of days ago, I had the occasion to visit Hospital Selayang, a Government specialist hospital in Selayang with a very confusing postal address (Lebuh Raya Selayang-Kepong, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor Darul Ehsan). To meet an appointment, we had to leave the house at the ungodly hour of 4.30am and hop on the express bus at 5am and head to Kuala Lumpur.

Selayang Hospital grounds
Selayang Hospital grounds

information counter Hospital Selayang
information counter Hospital Selayang

It was very dark on the highway and it was pouring. I was worried that the journey would not go as planned, hence, I couldn’t sleep a wink. How envious I was of other passengers who looked like regular commuters of the 5am trip with their blankets and pillows!

gift shops Selayang Hospital
gift shops Selayang Hospital

Fortunately, we reached Selayang Hospital as planned with some time to spare too. I took the opportunity to shoot some photos when I was there but by looking at the photos, one would think that the place is rather deserted. That’s a false impression.

Hospital Selayang ward
Hospital Selayang ward

The gaudy pink colour on the exterior of Hospital Selayang reminds me of a Sekolah Kebangsaan Rendah (national type primary school) in a small town but the size is definitely way larger! I didn’t know about this hospital prior to this trip; it’s surprising to me that it’s almost ten years old already! Oh well, hospitals aren’t places that I normally want to visit!

Hospital Selayang government hospital
official launch Hospital Selayang

By 3.30pm, we were done and it was time to head home. Too bad that the hospital is so way out, it would be difficult to go anywhere except by taxi and then it would be too costly and time consuming!

Hospital Selayang
Address: Lebuhraya Selayang-Kepong, Selayang, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-61367788
Fax: +603-61377097
GPS Coordinates: N 03 14.555′ E 101 38.803′

Visiting hours (daily) / Waktu lawat:
12.30pm to 2pm
5pm to 7pm

MyCen Map & Directions to Hospital Selayang.

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With love

54 thoughts on “Hospital Selayang [Government Specialist Hospital]

  1. salam, kenape hospital ini tak cukup doktor di musim perayaan, sungguh memalukan kerana saudara saya yg di daftarkan di hospital selayang hari ini harus menahan sakit disebabkan kemalangan, sepatutnye tindakan pantas harus diambil, malangnya, doktor di hospital selayang telah memberi tahu kami, pembedahan hanya boleh dilakukan selepas hari raya kerana tak cukup doktor bedah. kami hairan, apa yang hospital ini nak jadi dengan nama hospital pakar. tolonglahlah, memang ada dokto yang bagus dihospital ini, tapi, tolong lah pantau perkara2 begini. INGATKAN mereka yang mereka merawat MANUSIA.



  2. Two months ago I had an experience with Hospital Selayang when I had to bring my mother for treatment. She had to be hospitalized for 11 days. Our last experience with a government hospital was 23 years ago. I was pleasantly surprise that the service at Hospital Selayang i.e government hospital jumped tenfolds as compared to 23 years ago. The nurses were committed and extremely focused, not to mention their bedside manners. Almost every request is met and that made our stay quite pleasant, of course you have to come prepared with iPads and books/magazines.
    The ongoing programs carried out by KKM is very commendable
    in creating awareness amongst the rakyat and thus making us more alert in acknowledging the disease.
    I am fully in support of the private wing in government hospital initiated by KKM. The initiative will give us more choices in healthcare.
    Malaysia Boleh!!

  3. Hi Rosnah!

    Thanks for sharing your experience at Selayang Hospital with us. I am happy to note you had a pleasant stay there. I hope your mother has recovered. All the best!

  4. wow, happy new year emily… nice of u to coment on rosnah’s statement.

    have a nice day

  5. hai Emili N Rosna…
    Happy New Year To to too….
    Emily… my relation is fine now. thnx you,,, lucky they shift him to another more carring hospital than selayang hospital that might have cost him more horrible expireance… anyway i m not talking just because of my relation… it could have happen to any living human…. there is nothing wrong if the hospital is monitered ….

  6. Hi, can I know whether Hospital Selayang accept non referral case? For example, can any expected mother go to Selayang Hospital without any recommendation letter, just walk in?

    Thank you

  7. there is no wrong door policy in KKM
    emergency cases will be treated promptly
    while non emergency will have to wait
    of course any expected mother dont have to bring any letter, just go there and enjoy nice labour suite

  8. I have been trying to go into Selayang hospital website the last 3 months but unfortunately the message I receive each time was “server cannot be found”. I hope the hospital admin would do something about it. It is quite frustrating.

  9. Yes that is the address I used but never seem to get through. They claim they are using total hospital information system and yet the public cannot access them.?????

  10. One badly managed hospital this Selayang..

    Tax payers spend billions on health facilities…but billions are gone because of very very poor management…

    It’s the MAS story isnt it…we can spend billions…but with lousy managment…those billions will evaporate…and in the case of hospitals, patients lives evaporate with then money..

    Either we privatise the managment…or ust outsource all the hospitals and the government should reserve the billions for paying for treatment…..NOT FOR BUILDING HOSPITALS …without doctors, nurses and poor management

  11. Hi Emily,
    How are you? It has been quite a while since we last communicated. My mother passed away at Selayang Hospital last June, June 12 to be precise. I brought her in on June 8, for a small procedure. He condition worsened on June 10, and she was transferred to ICU and passed away on June 12. I was devastated and am still recovering. I never knew losing a mum can be so traumatic. Not one day has passed that I dont think of her. I miss her every day.

  12. Dear Rosnah,

    My heartfelt condolences to you and family for the loss of your mother. Thank you for sharing this sad news; I hope that with the passing of time, it will be easier to bear, and you will only remember all the happy times with your mom.

    Take care.


  14. HI, The recruitment officer name was given as Mr Mohd Bin Abdul RazaK.please provide wit proper mail address of your hospital so tat we can enquire about job offers with is real and fake.pls reply me soon.

  15. My brother in law received a appointment letter as a senior staff nurse in your hospital with very good salary. I just want to confirm this is not a scam. He lives in India.
    His name is Xavier Arockia Raj. Could you confirm whther his appoitment letter is real.

  16. hi i have also received offer letter from this hospital. just confirm me the name of the HR person.

  17. HI, The recruitment officer name was given as

    Mr Mohd Bin Abdul RazaK,
    Tel: +60162367945,
    email Id: hr@selayanghospital-my.com.

    please provide with proper mail address and contact number of your human resource dept, so i can ensure to confirm about job offers with is real and fake.please reply me soon.

  18. At Shivani: Have you confirmed if this is not fake? My husband also received a job offer from the hospital.

  19. sir i receive your offer letter as a staff nurse today .please provide with proper mail address and contact number of your human resource dept, so i can ensure to confirm about job offers which is real and fake.please reply me soon and kindly call me if you can …my mobile no is 09892337323

  20. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I receive your offer letter as a staff nurse today .please provide with proper mail address and contact number of your human resource dept, so I can ensure to confirm about job offers which is real and fake.please reply me soon and kindly call me if you can …my mobile no is 07208898964

    Message is below

    Hospital Selayang Malaysia hrd@selayanghospital-my.com

    Jan 12 (1 day ago)

    to me

    Lebuh Raya Selayang-Kepong Highway

    68100 Batu Caves,

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Tel: +601116241025

    Fax :+60 1639 0000


    Dear SARATH S. NAIR,

    With the approval of the Board of Directors of Hospital Selayang Malaysia,we are delighted to formally offer you the Appointment to work with us in Hospital Selayang Malaysia for the provision of Expatriates Relation Services for the period duly specified in your Offer Letter,please find attached Soft Copy of your Contract Terms of Employment for your perusal and immediate action if the terms of work is acceptable to you. Upon thorough review and acceptance of this Contract Package, dot your signature in the space indicated in the last page of the Offer Letter and return same back to us via email attachment within a period of 14 working days.

    You are to immediately make contact with Hazalan Chambers & Associates with the below details to secure your Affidavit of Guarantee and Letter of Attestation from the Malaysian High Court of Justice to enable us process your Residence and Work permit / Visa and also legalize your contract engagement with Hospital Selayang Malaysia.This Affidavit covers for your total contract acceptance with duration terms and allegiance to the laws guiding the Aliens/Expatriates Registration Quota under the Ministry of Internal Affairs which empowers us to procure your works/residence permit with the Malaysian Immigration Services here in Malaysia.


    No 3A, Jalan Setia Pusat Bandar Bagan Serai, 34300 Bagan Serai

    Perak Darul Ridzuan Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA.

    E-mail: hazalanchamber@live.com.my

    Designation: Solicitor and Advocate in Law

    Contact Person: Barrister(Mrs.) Ainal Marlinda Hazalan

    Tel: +601 116345475

    On getting the Affidavit make available to us the below documents for the processing of your Residence and Work permit / Visa:

    1. Scan copy of your affidavit of Guarantee and letter of attestation from the Malaysian High Court of Justice

    2. Scan copy of your duly Signed Job Offer Letter (Enclosures: 6 below)

    3. Scanned Copy of International Passport (Data Page)

    4. Scanned Copy of Passport Photograph (Colored)

    Should you require more information, please feel free to contact us immediately; we await your prompt reply.


    Thanks and best regards,


    Mr Mohd Bin Abdul Razak.

    Recruitment Officer.

  21. Respected sir .
    This Dr shahnawaz akhatar from India I have received your offer letter for the post of Resident doctor in hospital Selayang Malaysia, Lebuh Raya Selayang-Kepong Highway 68100 Batu Caves, my JOB REF ;HSM/LEBRU/PRO12, have you offered this job to me please reply me .

  22. hi everyone..
    i also got the mail for the job.
    did anyone confirm about this job offer?????
    Aint it fake or something???
    plz reply if anyone got confirmed about these offer letters???????
    my contact is

  23. Dear Sir,

    There is hoax email been received by many as the job offer is made by Hospital Selayang. When you closely read the mail content you will realize it is fake because wrong phone number, email like hrd@selayanghospital-my.com etc. Please taken necessary action to prevent such things as this sort of fake offers will damage the reputation of your esteemed hospital.


  24. I am living in New York. Please, for who will read my message. I need to ask about my wife did a surgery in Selayang Hospital and I lost her contact, and the hotel manager mail me and said that she died. I want to make sure is that true or not, because I try to call the hospital many times , but no answer.

  25. Hi Emily,

    Thanks for your write-up. Hardly anybody writes on Hospital.
    To me, Selayang, if not for a long wait, I would say its acceptable since its government & a lot of patients & you need really a lot of patience too.
    At times, medication runs out & you have to come back
    especially when you stay at the end of the earth.
    This once a month ruling for medical replenishment causes a lot of inconveniences.
    Have written to the ministry but no response.
    The nurses & doctors there are quite pleasant & they are themselves a therapeutic saviour to our sicknesses.

  26. Hi SK!

    I heard there’s a shortage of medicine in govt. hospitals. Friends also need to go to collect their medicine at a later date. Well, I guess that’s better than buying from pharmacies outside.

  27. Basic tips:
    1. All M’sian government websites will have “gov.my” in their website address. Note: Individuals are not allowed to register any “gov.my” websites.

    2. The hospital website will load if you browse to: http://hselayang.moh.gov.my/

    3. If you browse to http://www.selayanghospital.gov.my/, the system will automatically redirect you to http://hselayang.moh.gov.my/

    4. You will see the “Problem loading..” if you try
    http://www.hselayang.moh.gov.my/. (This is most likely due to some technical issue in the website configuration/setup.)

    5. As those who have tried, http://www.selayanghospital.com/ is a fake.

  28. I heard so much positive inpatient comments on this hospital! Is it that bad? I am a retired govt staff and was planning to go here.Help! With feed back.

  29. Hi, my brother need to see hepatology at selayang hospital. He has reffered to Selayang hospital after he done the check-up, blood test and ultrasound at a private clinic. So with the clinic letter he can walk in to selayang hospital? Please advice. How would be the charges look like?

    Appreciate your prompt reply

  30. My husband had a major operation in selayang hospital. He stayed there from 10 april to 11 May 2015. The surgeons, doctors, matron, nurses and all other workers are very dedicated in performing their duties. The competency of their operating team are very inspiring. I would very much like to thank all of them for the wonderful care they gave my husband. I am greatful for the high quality care my husband received at Selayang Hospital. The kindness and professionalism the surgeons made my husband feel secure and comfortable during his time at the surgery centre. They are the best. May God bless all of them. Thank you to all of them.

  31. Hi Emily,
    Its been quite sometime since I penned here. About 3 years. Have been here for my Liver Checkup, Heart Check Up, Prostrate Check Up, Teeth Check Up, Skin Check Up, Physiotherapy & recently had my Cataract operation. For Senior Citizen, costs about RM 1,000.00. There were 3 eye surgeons attending to me & the nurses there were very helpful. There kept me calm throughout the operation as I was fearful of the laser cutting sound zeezing here & there. I was half blind for almost a year & what a delight when I had my full vision restored. I really must thank Selayang Hospital Doctors & Nurses. Keep Up the good work.

  32. Dear Emi,

    Good Day to you.

    My mother-in-law was admitted in Selayang Hospital since yesterday Morning. Her Name is SITI AMINAH KAMALAH.

  33. Hi. I just wanted to know the charges for a c section in your hospital. As i m a foreigner. Thanks

  34. Hi Emily
    I am Devi Priya, Social Work student from India.. I would like to do internship for one month in mentari Selayang and they asked me to contact Hospital Selayang for the same, but I couldn’t find the proper email address.. That’s why I am using this comment box, can I get the answer for my request from you?

  35. My name is Opara Peter. I am a Nigerian, i did surgery at hospital selayang in the year 2013. I need doctors report. I have been looking for your email. Please send to me your email id.

  36. hey i am Bangladeshi..is there available insomnia treatment for foreiners? how is cost?

  37. hope this is still active.
    I didnt go for my regular check ups during MCO. they postponed it to another 3 months making it 9 – 12 months check ups.
    Mine was I in for a surprise after almost a year. The queue was very long. There was An Entrance A & B which I was not aware & I stood at the wrong Queue. only realised after queueing for 30 mins & by that time, the Queue frm the other snaked up. Heard some came as early as 5am! They should have a queue separately for old folks, blood taking, scanning & pregnant ladies. On that day, my check ups were combined into a day. It was quite a nightnare. I started queueing at 1pm for the Registerion to open at 2pm. it didnt open at 2pm but 2.15pm. imagine standing there for 1 1/4 hrs until I got a fainting spell. However, Doctor service was commendable & swift. all done witin the hour.

  38. I have been visiting Selayang hospital, the emergency unit where my sister spent 3 nights, what a chaotic unit. Then on the middle of the night she was moved to wad 10C. Care there is diabolical, where these nurses were trained, there is no care given let alone holistic care. I helped my sister out of the bed and sat her on a chair, changed her clothes and put clean sheet on the bed. It was disgusting, a 50 ml syringe was under the bed. No screens to give the patient any privacy to change clothes. How can a patient expect to get well. The food is disgusting, only those who don’t have food provided by family eat it but I’m sure 80% is wasted. Is Selayang Hospital is where you go to be cured and speed up your death.

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