Face Mask Changing Performance
I’ve watched mask changing performance by this artist only once previously, perhaps about two years ago and since that time, which I failed to capture on video because I didn’t take any recording device along, I didn’t have the opportunity anymore.
This Chinese New Year, Kinta City invited him again and from the programme schedule, he was supposed to perform three times. The first time, he did not turn up, the second time, I had to work, this evening, was his third time, and also his final appearance here in conjunction with Chinese New Year. I was pretty apprehensive that I wouldn’t be able to make it again, or perhaps he would not turn up again, but luckily he did.
Funnily, there was something wrong with my camera and when I powered it on, I was shown an error message and I had the option to either shut it off or to format the memory card. I shut it off hoping that it would be all right when I powered it on again but I was shown the same error message! So this time, I chose to format the card, but it says that the card could not be recognized. I was like, “Oh shit, why am I so jinxed? This is the last show already and I couldn’t get it on video again?”
Video (below): George Wong face mask changing
Somehow, when I turned it on again, it worked! As you can see, I got the better half of the mask changing performance on video. It’s not the best video in the world because the performer had his back against the camera most of the time but what the heck, better than no video at all, right?
So, enjoy the video!
Organiser: Au Young Events
Address: 41, Jalan Merpati, Ipoh Garden, 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. (opposite Kinta City)
Tel: +6017-5642822
Facebook: www.facebook.com/auyoungkk
email: auyoungevents@gmail.com
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