Tomb of King Sidabutar, Tomok
One of the nearby attractions in the area of Lake Toba (Danau Toba) is the cemetery complex of the Batak King, King Sidabutar. Located in the village of Tomok on Samosir Island, it is just a short walk from the jetty, lined all along the way with vendors offering all sorts of local souvenirs.
Before stepping into the complex, visitors have to wear a “selendang” (shawl) that will be provided at the entrance. Also, visitors are required to behave themselves and queue up.
Besides the tomb of King Sidabutar, other tombs within the cemetery complex included those of his bodyguard, love of his life and the missionary. Each stone carving had a meaning behind its shape and purpose, even granting special powers to the King.
Because there is no proper documentation on the history of the Batak royals, a good guide who can explain everything to you in your native language is necessary for a clear understanding of the ancient lives in the village.
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