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Malaysia Day Mass Wedding @ Chin Woo Ipoh

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Malaysia Day (Sept 16th, 2012) was coincidentally the first day of the eighth moon on the Chinese lunar calendar. It being an auspicious day, fifteen couples in Ipoh decided to tie the knot, and thus, a mini-mass wedding was conducted at Wisma Chin Woo by the President of the association, Dato’ Ooi Foh Sing, who is also an Assistant Registrar of Marriages.

Malaysia Day Mass Wedding
photo session while waiting for the ceremony to begin

While a couple could register their marriage at the National Registration Department, at Chin Woo Ipoh, couples are married according to Chinese principles, as advised by Dato’ Ooi, who has many years’ experience as an Assistant Registrar of Marriages behind him.

Malaysia Day Mass Wedding
a couple and their witnesses take their seats

Malaysia Day Mass Wedding
the bride & groom take their oath

According to Dato’ Ooi, a marriage is one of the most important junctures in life. It signifies adulthood. To find one person to spend the rest of the life with is an utmost difficult task, and it is only through hard work and prayers of their parents that wedding couples could enjoy this special moment.

Malaysia Day Mass Wedding
signing the marriage certificate

Malaysia Day Mass Wedding
putting a ring on the bride’s finger

He also reminded everyone present that health is wealth and family love is priceless. Happiness isn’t something that could be bought.

Malaysia Day Mass Wedding
and on the groom’s finger

Malaysia Day Mass Wedding
one of the happy couples

Check out my series of photos to see how the morning transpired. Besides conducting mass weddings on special dates like 12.12.12, Chin Woo Ipoh also registers marriages throughout the year., For enquires, contact Chin Woo Ipoh at 05-2544019 or 05-2415561 during office hours.

Malaysia Day Mass Wedding
you may kiss the bride…


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4 thoughts on “Malaysia Day Mass Wedding @ Chin Woo Ipoh

  1. any term and condition , if both of us ic not register Ipoh address can we R.O.M in Ipoh

  2. Hi , would like to enquiry documents I need to prepare for rom preparation and my husband his ic is Johor ,Batu Pahat , and me myself is Ipoh . May I know how to register and documents that need to prepare and how Long to arrange ?Thanks and hope to hear from you soon .

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