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Langkawi: Crystal Glass Blowing

crystal glass blowing
crystals on display

Although I like crystals and do collect them, I have never bothered to find out how they are made. Luckily, we dropped by at this shop which is situated, within walking distance, at the back of Kompleks Kraf Langkawi.

crystal glass blowing
burning hot!

Video (below): Demonstration on crystal glass blowing

This company, Faizy Crystal Glass Blowing, produce crystal gifts for sale in the local and international markets. Additionally, they also open their doors to curious visitors like us who would like to see for ourselves how these exquisite gifts are made. During our visit, the craftsman only showed us simple crystal gifts, that required no “blowing” and I have a video of the process for you.

crystal glass blowing
the many colours

At the rear portion, a couple of men were busy fixing up a custom-ordered crystal gift for a corporate client. It looked too beautiful, though unfinished. It’s definitely laborious! I wonder how much the client paid to have this made.

crystal glass blowing
fixing a custom-designed crystal gift

At Faizy Crystal Glass Blowing, their raw material (crystals) are imported from Holland while colours are imported from Germany. Colours used in crystal-making come in three forms: powder, rod and chip. Whereas the technology of making these crystals is from Sweden, designs, and obviously, production, are 100% locally done.

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With love

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