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Meal of Benevolence

I was recently alerted of a charitable event that happens every Sunday at 12pm sharp, at Tebing Tinggi in Ipoh, Perak. Members of the needy community are invited to pick up their lunch at this particular spot.

meal of benevolence
meal of benevolence

Besides a pack of vegetarian lunch, they are also given “ang pow”. 300 sets of lunch boxes and “ang pow” are allocated every Sunday. I was informed that this has been practised for the past few years, without fail. Hah…. and I just got to know about it. Have I been living in a cave?

In any case, it is thanks to the generosity of well-wishers and sponsors, whose continuous support makes this charitable effort possible, headed by a local philanthropist (Mr. Lau) and his group of friends.

Those interested to combine effort to contribute to this cause may contact emily2u.com.

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With love

2 thoughts on “Meal of Benevolence

  1. Yes, there are a lot of Malaysians who really need our help. Sometimes I find it pathetic that we are trying to help people from other countries instead of our own.

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