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Announcement of Ipoh-Medan Direct Flights: Promo Fare @ RM99 All-In

The much-anticipated Ipoh-Medan-Ipoh direct flight was finally announced following a gala dinner to welcome travel agents and associations from Medan, North Sumatra.

YOU Wings Ipoh Medan direct flight
1. thumbs up for the commencement of direct flights between Ipoh and Medan four times weekly

The maiden flight will commence on November 25, and there will be four flights weekly on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

With the promotional fare of RM99 one-way, it will be most attractive and affordable, positioning itself well among its competitors.

YOU Wings Ipoh Medan direct flight
2. at the press conference to address questions from the media

Making Ipoh a lot more accessible now with direct flights between these two cities is a step forward for Medan residents to explore specialist medical facilities offered by Ipoh hospitals.

This is, obviously, a good chance for Ipoh’s medical tourism to tap the new Medan market, which until now, has only looked at Kuala Lumpur and Penang in Malaysia.

YOU Wings Ipoh Medan direct flight
3. Y.B. Dato’ Nolee Ashilin bt. Mohd Radzi – Perak EXCO Tourism, Health & Culture, receives an appreciation gift from Pak Elisa Marbun - Chairman of Tourism & Culture North Sumatra (R) and En. Solahuddin Nasution - Chairman of ASITA (Association of the Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies) (L)

Said Chairman of YOU Wings, Dato’ Hakim Hamidi, “We are targeting full flights for our planes as Medan is our hub, as well as the gateway to the rest of Indonesia.”

Serving this route will be Boeing 737-400 air planes with a capacity of 168 passengers.

YOU Wings Ipoh Medan direct flight
4. a gift from Y.B. Dato’ Nolee Ashilin bt. Mohd Radzi – Perak EXCO Tourism, Health & Culture to her counterpart Pak Elisa Marbun - Chairman of Tourism & Culture North Sumatra as CEO and Chairman of YOU Wings Daniel Lee (L) and Dato' Hakim Hamidi respectively look on

Announced at the same time are direct Kuala Terengganu-Medan flights from November 24 onwards, three times weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, also proudly operated by YOU Wings for Sriwijaya Air.

This is exciting news to the East Coast city as it will be the very first direct flight out to Indonesia from Terengganu.

Following the development of these two new flight routes, Sriwijaya Air and YOU Wings are increasing their Penang-Medan air service to twice daily, from its current one flight a day.

This is certainly good news for the aviation and tourism industries for Ipoh as well as Kuala Terengganu.

Industry players in Malaysia and Indonesia are already excitedly forging smart partnerships in anticipation of catering to tourists to and from Medan, as a run up to the commencement of these flights at the end of November.

Event: Announcement of Ipoh-Medan Direct Flights
Venue: Casuarina@Meru, Ipoh
Date: 8th Oct, 2014
Time: 9pm

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