What You Can & Cannot Do During RMCO
The Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) or Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan (PKPP) in Malay, will come into force this 10th June, to replace the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), until 31st August, 2020.
This 3rd phase soft landing approach of opening up the economy also means the loosening of restrictions of community movement. The major change from CMCO to RMCO is interstate travel, without special reason or application for permit, except to areas that are under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO). The country’s international borders, however, remain closed.
What businesses can resume or activities allowed during Recovery Movement Control Order entail, besides domestic travel?
1. Barbers, salons, beauty parlours and nail salons
2. Museums
3. Busking and filming
4. Meetings and workshops
5. Morning / evening / night markets, pasar tani, pasar tamu, bazaars, food courts, food trucks, and the likes
6. Recreational fishing, fishing ponds, and commercial fisheries
7. Non-contact sports
8. Outdoor group sports
9. Religious activities, like Hari Raya Aidiladha celebrations, and places of worship to open
*Schools to reopen in stages throughout the RMCO
Note: All the above will be subjected to strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) according to guidelines set up by the Malaysian Health Ministry.

Here is a quick summary of what is still disallowed during RMCO, besides international travel. This list is not exhaustive:
1. Commercial activities that are not conducted within business premises
2. Sports tournaments
3. Water activities
4. Contact sports
5. Pubs, night clubs, entertainment outlets, reflexology and karaoke centres
6. Theme parks
7. Kenduri (thanksgiving), open houses, religious processions and other activities involving crowds
Dancing in one room can or not
Plse email the response to : yeow2588@live.com
Is group exercise like line dancing in open air be allow during RMCO? What is the maximum participant allow?
hi, can picnic be allowed? and any rules for that?
Outdoor small group dancing / line dancing with physical distancing but without wearing face mask is allowed?
Hi, can a group of line dancing be allowed in open air at residential park and what is the maximum people allowed?
Thanks to revert .