Times Past, Memories Last: A Fund-Raising Concert

The Poi Lam Military Band of SMJK Poi Lam presented a performance titled “Times Past, Memories Last” on Saturday evening at Wisma Chin Woo, Ipoh.

The concert was to raise funds for the band, which requires substantial funding annually to provide support. Monies raised this time is for the purchase and upgrade of musical instruments, as well as the engagement of professional instructors to teach these students the correct techniques of playing in a synchronised performance.

The Poi Lam Military Band was first established in 1975 as the Poi Lam Drums and Fife Corps. With the addition of brass and woodwind musical instruments, the band was renamed Poi Lam Brass Band, and subsequently, Poi Lam Military Band.

In 2002, the Poi Lam Indoor Concert Band was set up, with the purpose of elevating the level of indoor performances.

The band’s forte is well known among schools in Perak. It is worthwhile mentioning that it achieved Silver award in Division 2 in the UPSI National Wind Orchestra Festival last year.

It took the band three months to prepare for “Times Past, Memories Last”, after a five-year hiatus from its previous concert. This performance managed to raise RM110,315 to date. The largest single donor was Mr. Lawrence Wong with RM15,000. Joining him in supporting the cause were other individuals and corporations.

Although donations are still rolling in, more are needed from well-wishers and supporters to meet its target of RM170,000. Keen to donate to the Poi Lam Military Band? Drop me a line to get connected to the teachers in charge.

Event: Times Past, Memories Last
Venue: Wisma Chin Woo, Ipoh
Date: 7th July, 2018
Time: 7pm
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You have done a good job by helping them. Will share this to my friends and see they willing to donate. Hope the band able collect a good fund.
They deserve the recognition and the exposure for the talent they have. People should know about them by now. Will share about them to my friends as well
Indeed its a good night with a good deed. Great funds raising too. I bet everybody walk out feeling good too.
Good effort for fund raising, i can see normally chinese always do fund raising event..they also can expose their talent to public..
Good sharing em. The great talent of the band should be appreciated and recognise. I’m sure a lot of people willing to help them to raise the fund for better performance.
A night to remember. A good deed will never end when we share with others indeed.