Ramadan Bazaar @ Stadium, Ipoh
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It’s been a year since I last visited the Stadium pasar Ramadan. This could be the final post in my series of posts on Ramadhan bazaars, unless I could find time to visit more before Hari Raya.
Although I have visited this bazaar before and also been to a few other Ramadan bazaars this August, I can never get bored with them because each bazaar evokes different scenes that I love capturing on camera. It’s all the more enjoyable when stall holders are friendly.
This Roti John stall is so popular, customers have to take a queue number. This is the first time I see the queue number system implemented at a road side food stall. Roti John seems to be a crowd favourite this year. Don’t remember seeing Roti John stalls at last year’s Ramadan bazaars. Hhmm, maybe my memory is failing me?
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dlm bnyk2roti john y saya beli roti john orginal dekat pasar ramadan bandar baru putra ipoh mmg. paling sedap. .baru tahun lepas bukak sbab sbelum ni xpnah tgk. . xtahu la tahun ni bro y jual roti john ni bkak kt mana nt. .mintak2la dkat area bandar baru lg dkat ngn umah. .mmg aku rekeman roti john ni aku y cerewet makan ni leh makan 2 roti john mmg sedap gila. .nama gerai dia roti john original