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Pertandingan Rekacipta Dan Innovasi Proton 2010

Orange Black
4th Place - Orange Black

One of the highlights of Festival Proton 1Malaysia that was held yesterday at Stadium Indera Mulia car park was the winners of Pertandingan Rekacipta Dan Innovasi Proton 2010. Frankly, I have never heard of this competition but then I ain’t no designer and don’t keep an eye on design competitions.

Evolusi- G
3rd Place - Evolusi- G

Innotech 2
2nd Place - Innotech 2

I was pleasantly surprised by the high quality of the winning entries, and judging from these top four winners, the competition must have been pretty tough! Salute, and congratulations to all the winners. I believe all four winning designs will also be showcased at Festival Proton 1Malaysia’s nationwide road show until the end of this month, so if you can make your way to the 1 Malaysia Proton festival near you, do so. You won’t regret it.

TF Exponent
1st Place - TF Exponent

TF Exponent
TF Exponent side view

All four winners won cash prizes. I wonder if Proton will be making use of any of these winning designs in their future Proton releases. Well, these car designs may not be at par with the design of Proton Emas yet but these are homegrown!

TF Exponent
TF Exponent back view

Proton Car Design
failed Proton car design – too large to fit into the garbage bin

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With love

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