Perak Classic Drivers Club Meet & Greet
With Malaysia entering the endemic phase, the Perak Classic Drivers (PDC) Club organised a Meet & Greet among members at Impiana Hotel Ipoh.

The event saw the gathering of tens of classic cars, to the delight of the public. The classics, gleaming under the bright morning sun, indeed caught many an eye.

The meetup had club members getting together for a scrumptious breakfast at the hotel as they mingled and caught up with one another, as well as exchanged notes about their prized rides.

After a late breakfast, club members took a leisurely drive in an orderly convoy to the Royal Perak Golf Club (RPGC), which is just 6 kilometres away from the hotel.

Attracting plenty of eyeballs along the drive, the cars arrived at RPGC and were parked at the putting area for a photography session.

Event: Perak Classic Drivers Club Meet & Greet
Venue: Impiana Hotel Ipoh
Date: 29th May, 2022