Langkawi: Oriental Concept Apparel Store (OCAS)
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This Oriental Concept Apparel Store, or simply OCAS, was launched on 1st May, 2012. It is located within the grounds of Oriental Village, Langkawi, where one goes for cable car rides.
OCAS is a pilot project undertaken by LADA Eco-Tourism Sdn. Bhd. (LETSB) and Bumiputra Designers Association (BDA). It is a business model encompassing all stages of fashion from designing to production to sale.
Here at OCAS, one could expect to buy stylish designer labels (by members of BDA) off the rack, at affordable prices. The store, located on an island, doesn’t only offer fashionable beach or resort-wear but also timeless traditional Malay costumes. They cater to men, women and also children.
Capitalizing on the island’s duty-free status, OCAS is a platform to promote local designers to the world, through shopping tourism.
Check out my photos to see what OCAS has to offer. You would soon be able to make your purchases online too!
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