No More Pets, Thank You Very Much!
Quite a number of people asked if I have plans to keep a new dog knowing what an animal lover I am. Well, sad to say that I no longer want a new pet. Snoopy is what I have right now and I have no intention to open my home to another pet; dog or otherwise.

pet medics
Keeping a pet is still relatively cheap here in Ipoh but it is not a matter of cost but a matter of suffering emotionally when the pets are ill and then die.
I have been keeping dogs since I was in kindergarten, and we also had a bat, a rooster, chickens, ducks, birds, fish, rabbits and a host of other smaller animals. Dogs are, of course, the best because they could interact so well with humans. However, I hope I will not lose my heart to another puppy!
I’ve never met a vet I like either! ;p But i’m still glad when I have a loving owner to snuggle up to…
Awww you’re so cute. *steels my heart* 😛