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Malacca River Cruise

river cruise
Malacca River Cruise

Melaka may be a small city but there are just so many things to see and do. During our 4D/3N tour of Melaka, which was, frankly speaking, insufficient, we managed to find time for Melaka River Cruise.

river cruise
one of the boats

river cruise
Kampung Morten

The Melaka River and Coastal Development Corporation, which offers this cruise, has forty boats that ply along the Malacca River (Sungai Melaka) throughout the day until late at night.

river cruise
Old Bus Station Bridge

river cruise
night view

Boarding the boat at Taman Rempah, this journey of 9km takes about 45 minutes to complete. During the trip, our guide Mr. Goonting, gave a very insightful and humourous briefing on the history of Malacca, as we cruised down the Malacca River, mostly seeing the backs of old shop houses. He also pointed out the Malay enclave of Kampung Morten and the replica Venice Bride.

river cruise
Ferris wheel

river cruise
wall art at the back of some shop houses

I prefer to take the cruise at night because the lights along the river makes the trip a lot more memorable and romantic.

river cruise

river cruise
Hard Rock Café Malacca

Fare (with discount for MyKad holders):
Adult: RM15
Child: RM7

VIP boat (with discount for MyKad holders):
Adult: RM30
Child: RM5

Groups of 20 pax or more will enjoy a 20% discount.

Operating hours: daily from 9am – 11.30pm

river cruise
river at night

For more information on Melaka River Cruise:
Perbadanan Pembangunan Sungai Dan Pantai Melaka
Add: 9th Floor, Bangunan Graha Maju, Jalan Graha Maju, 75300 Melaka.
Tel: 06-2814322
Fax: 06-2814325
Web: www.ppspm.gov.my

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With love

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