Kiwanis Club of Meru Valley & Kinta Riverfront Hotel Bring Christmas Cheer For The Children
To give a more meaningful Christmas to the less fortunate in our community, Kiwanis Club of Meru Valley (KCMV) collaborated with Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites for the second year to invite 42 children to the hotel for a jolly afternoon recently.
The kids, from Praise Boys Home, Praise Girls Home, Good Shepherd Family Home, and Praise Emmanuel Home, were first ushered for a group photo with Santa Claus, to their surprise, before being treated to a scrumptious buffet lunch prepared by the hotel’s very capable culinary team.

It was then time to participate in some games that won them prizes. Each child was also presented with gifts, including school uniforms and schooling essentials that come in handy for their new school term.
The theme of the event was “Care – Give – Love”, in line with the motto of Kiwanis International, whose main objective is to serve the underprivileged children of the world.

KCMV has for the 7th year, organised similarly meaningful programmes during festive seasons, to bring more Care, to Give more presents and to spread more Love, primarily to children.
Different homes are selected each time to ensure that they reach out to more people to spread Care, Give and Love.

Speaking to the press, Club President Christopher Lau thanked all well-wishers and sponsors who had donated cash or kind to make this event a success. He expressed hope that more benefactors would come forward to support the club’s community projects.
Members of the public who are keen to know more about KCMV are free to contact Christopher Lau directly at his mobile number: +6012-5388303 or log on to the club’s official Facebook Page: Kiwanis Club of Meru Valley, Malaysia.
Event: Kiwanis Club of Meru Valley & Kinta Riverfront Christmas Programme
Venue: Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites, Ipoh
Date: 22nd Dec, 2017
Time: from 12pm
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I bet all kids super happy with the treat. It such a noble act for those unfortunate.
So many gifts for the kids! The kids must be really happy and blessed to receive all these Christmas pressie!!