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Jensom Ng: Elevating The Level of Professional Photography

Picking up the camera again after a break of over a decade, Jensom Ng, now a professional movie still photographer, has seen his new career sky-rocket.

He said, “I spent the past ten years in pursuit of entrepreneurship but my first love has always been photography. I am happy that I now get to indulge in my passion full-time and has made it my aim to bring up the level of professional photography in Perak, or at least in my hometown, Ipoh, besides organising my annual charity event.”

Having known Jensom for at least five years now, I find that he is someone who has always pushed himself to be the best in his endeavours. A point to note would be his global perspective, always looking at the bigger picture, rather than enclosing his views to within the state or country.

Ipoh Malaysia professional photography
1. @Artlane Terminal Amanjaya

Judging from his awards and accolades received this one and a half years since embarking on his new photography career, Jensom seemed to have also applied that same principle of adopting a global outlook.

Indeed, in these 18 short months, Jensom has been appointed World Ambassador for PHOTTIX PRO TEAM and Ambassador for PENTAX 645Z. Additionally, he is also NIKON Professional Photographer and DATACOLOR Sponsored Photographer.

This winner of Master Photographers Association (MPA) Awards 2014/2015 was also named Malaysia’s Best Portrait Photographer of The Year for 2014/2015.

This is a huge leap in the mastery of photography for Jensom, who was an amateur photographer with an Associateship of Royal Photography Society (UK) prior to his hiatus.

Today, as the only internationally-recognised professional photographer in Perak, Jensom who is appreciative of the mentorship he received from American and British professional photographers, hopes to similarly share his knowledge with aspiring photographers in Malaysia, whether they are pursuing the art professionally or otherwise.

Ipoh Malaysia professional photography
2. baby studio

Jensom said, “I believe that by sharing my skills, I would also be able to improve myself at the same time. Although there are many photographers around, I dare say that not many possess a solid foundation in the art.

“This is because of the advancement of cameras and their automatic mode that allows even the worst photographer to take reasonably nice photos. However, the basics of photography are very important and once that is mastered, a photographer’s work is amazing no matter what camera he uses and despite under challenging conditions.

“Conducting photography workshops around the country is not enough for me. I feel that I have to contribute to Perak too, by using my skills. I hope that through my soon-to-be introduced 4-week course, I am able to build this foundation amongst photographers, and unearth the hidden potential in each and every one who attends my course.

“I believe that every photographer has strengths and weaknesses. Through my lessons, I would be able to build up on these strengths and correct their weaknesses individually. I am a visual artist who translates my creativity through the medium of photography and I hope more people would follow in my footsteps. The art of photography is definitely more than merely clicking on the shutter button.”

One can say that Jensom is on a mission to unearth talented photographers through his courses. The better graduates will be offered a spot in his team, MyDream Artists.

Ipoh Malaysia professional photography
3. @Artlane Terminal Amanjaya

Said Jensom of his company, “I am growing MyDream Artists to be a professional team that offers a top range of services in creative arts. The quality work produced by my team of professionals will be guaranteed by me. Therefore, our clients would be assured of the best when they engage us.

“Also, as part of our professional services, we strive to deliver our photos to clients quickly, with the shortest turnaround time possible, without compromising on quality.”

Interested photographers, no matter what level you are already at, should keep a look out for the announcement of courses at the Facebook page of MyDream Artists, tentatively to begin this August or September. I am interested to sign up as well and have been assured that the fees are reasonable.

In addition, the company also offers among others, professional photography for newborns and babies by Gigi Thin and Malay wedding photography at their studios @Artlane Terminal Amanjaya, Ipoh.

Ipoh Malaysia professional photography
4. Gigi Thin & Jensom Ng

Under the successful mentorship of her husband, Jensom, Gigi Thin received her Licentiate in Newborn Photography certified by Master Photographers Association UK in April 2015. Additionally, she has achieved the distinction of being the first female photographer from Perak certified by MPA UK.

Furthermore, competition and grading panel printing services are also available at the studio.

MyDream Artist
Add: Lot 22, 23, 24, Tingkat 1, Terminal Amanjaya, Persiaran Meru Raya 5, Meru Raya, 30020 Ipoh, Perak.
Email: mgmt2worldtrend@gmail.com
Facebook: MyDream Artists
Tel: +6013-3514041

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With love

20 thoughts on “Jensom Ng: Elevating The Level of Professional Photography

  1. Nice nice pic they took! Miss all my photoshooting sessions previously! A lot of talented photographer actually come from Ipoh 😛 Would like to try again on indoor or outdoor shooting again.

  2. i try to go for professional photography done for my family annually, but last year didn’t do any, really hope to do this year will check out this guy

  3. What a beautiful post it is and yes photographers do put lot of efforts to make your photos looks perfect.

  4. I wish I had his skills so I can travel the world capturing the best moments for the world to see and get paid for it! I have a digital SLR which I’m sure misses me very much now that I use my phone more!

  5. I wish to have a beautiful studio like this. If want to be photographer, it is not easy! It take more time to learn new skill. Hope their business grow up to be better! 🙂

  6. Thanks for sharing this information. I might share it with my friends in Ipoh just in case they are looking for professional photographers 😉

  7. I love this studio design with so much love and professional! Photography been my love too when I am in college, photograph keeps our memory in seconds.

  8. Nice inspiration! I want to become a photographer too when I was in secondary school, well now not professionally, but as a hobby still fine for me lar hehe 🙂

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