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Ipoh’s Little India

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Ipoh Little India
Ipoh's Little India (Powered by Google Maps)

Even as the Prime Ministers of Malaysia and India launched the new Little India in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur on 27th October, 2010, let’s not forget that Ipoh has her very own Little India as well. I visited Ipoh’s Little India yesterday afternoon in conjunction with Deepavali (or Diwali to some), and not surprisingly, even under the hot sun, it was bustling with last minute shoppers. Yesterday was, after all, the eve of Deepavali.

Little India
Welcome to Little India

street lamp
intricate design

Just like the Little India in Brickfields, this one in Ipoh covers part of two main roads from Jalan Sultan Yussuf (Belfield Street) to Jalan Lahat and partially, Jalan Koo Chong Kong forking out into a Y-shaped area with side entrances from Jalan Silang and Persiaran Bijeh Timah. Just for visual purposes, I enclosed a screenshot of the area on Google Maps, as seen in the first photo.

Bombay fashion
Bombay fashion in Ipoh

pretty ladies in a row

I took a leisurely walk along the streets to take some photos and also took the opportunity to look at what’s for sale for Deepavali since I hardly come to this side of town. I was quite surprised to see some of the shops look like high-end boutiques so much so that shoppers even had to remove their shoes before stepping in!

Indian model
young model


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5 thoughts on “Ipoh’s Little India

  1. love this post. to be honest, i didn’t know ipoh has one and i called myself an ipoh guy. . . keep up the good work. . .

  2. hi andy and emily,

    ipoh’s little india is nothing compare to kl’s little india.

    kl has 2 little indias.

    inter alia jalan masjid india and brickfields.

    if you are into shopping and counting human traffic then go to the jalan masjik india one.
    – if you are using ktm, from kl sentral shoot up to pasar seni then stop at lrt masjid india.
    – hop into escalator and masjid india is there.
    – it is just like a pasar malam only, coupled with a lot of bank staff (ocbc) joining in the crowd.

    if you are into sight see-ing, then go to the brickfields one.
    it has just been re furbished.
    time time to go is at night cos there is a elephant fountain
    that can change colour.

    very very very beautiful

    a feast for the eyes………..

    from ktm kl sentral, shoot up to bangsar lrt, then wait
    for bus no 88.

    get off the bus at brickfields.

    that’s for all the sharing.

  3. Ah, thanks for the info! I want to visit the Brickfields one because it’s near KL Sentral. I thought I had to walk there!

    I’ve seen the elephant but it’s during the day. I didn’t know it can change colours. Thanks for the tip!

  4. if you visit today,
    the arch is like somewhat 80% complete.
    it is very very very elaborate.

    yes, the elephant has color at nite due to colors spot lights
    and it changes color every 30seconds.

    it would be good if they have music.

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