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List of Ipoh Hotels

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Hotels in Ipoh (A – M)

Bukit Kinding Resort
Bukit Kinding Resort

Bukit Kinding Resort
Add: Lot 26302, Jalan Chemor, Bukit Kinding, 31250 Tanjung Rambutan, Perak Darul Ridzuan.
GPS: N 04 48.168′ E 101 9.768′
Tel: +605-5331122, 5330032
Fax: +605-5336121
email: info@kinding.com.my
Website: bkr.com.my

Bukit Merah Laketown Resort
Kampung Air / Water Chalet @ Bukit Merah Laketown Resort

Bukit Merah Laketown Resort
Add: Jalan Bukit Merah, 34400 Semanggol, Perak Darul Ridzuan.
GPS: N 04 59.58′ E 100 39.162′
Tel: +605-890 8888
Fax: +605-890 8000
email: sales@bmlaketown.com.my
Website: bukitmerahresort.com.my

Casuarina Hotel Meru
Casuarina @ Meru

Casuarina @ Meru Hotel
Add: Bulatan Meru Raya, Bandar Meru Raya, 30020 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS Coordinates: N 04 40.064′ E 101 04.686′
Tel: +605-5299999
Fax: +605-5299998
email: info@casuarinahotels.com.my
Website: casuarinahotels.com.my

Clearwater Sanctuary Golf Resort
time to relax by the pool

Clearwater Sanctuary Golf Resort
Add: Lot 6019, Jalan Changkat Larang, 31000 Batu Gajah, Perak Darul Ridzuan.
GPS: N 04 29.015′ E 101 3.457′
Tel: +605-3667433
Fax: +605-3667434
email: cws_promo@yahoo.com
Website: cwsgolf.com.my

CoZZy Hotel
Add: Jalan Medan 10, Bercham, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 36.905′ E 101 7.33′
Tel: +6016-5552102

Ipoh Hotels
D’ Eastern Hotel

D’ Eastern Hotel
Add: 118, Jalan Sultan Idris Shah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.843′ E 101 4.993′
Tel: +605-2543936
Fax: +605-255 1468
email: deasternhotel@gmail.com

De Botani Hotel
Add: 18-22, Jalan Lapangan Siber 1, Bandar Siber, 31350 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 32.875′ E 101 6.787′
Tel: +605-3131222
Fax: +605-3113222
email: cs@hotel-de-botani.com

Ipoh Hotels
De Hotel, Ipoh Garden

De Hotel
Add: 86, Jalan Dato’ Lau Pak Khuan, Ipoh Garden, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 36.722′ E 101 6.531′
Tel: +605-5452222 (hunting line)
Fax: +605-5453533
Email: dehotel3@yahoo.com

new hotel Ipoh
DWJ Hotel

DWJ Hotel
Add: C-G-1, C-1-1, C-2-1, Jalan Dato’ Seri Ahmad Said, Greentown Suria, 30450 Ipoh, Perak.
Tel: +605-2428777
Fax: +605-2411544
Website: dwjhotel.com

Ecotel Hotel
Add: BLK B-G-28, Jalan Dr Nazrin Shah, 1 Casuarina Corporate Park, 30250 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.221′ E 101 5.872′
Tel: +605-2497777
Fax: +605-2497778
email: sales@ecotel.com.my
Website: ecotel.com.my

Fairmont Hotel
Add: 10, Jalan Raja Permaisuri Bainun, 30250 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.122′ E 101 5.151′
Tel: +605-2559999
Fax: +605-2556352

good hotels in Ipoh
Fair Park Hotel

Fair Park Hotel
Add: 85, Jalan Kamaruddin Isa, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 36.434′ E 101 5.731′
Tel: +605-5488666
Fax: +605-5454988
email: contact@fairparkhotel.com
Website: fairparkhotel.com

Ipoh Hotels
French Hotel

French Hotel
Add: 60-62, Jalan Dato’ Onn Jaafar, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.874′ E 101 5.004′
Tel: +605-241 3030
Fax: +605-2416060
email: bookingsite@frenchhotel.com.my
Website: French Hotel

Fresh Hotel
Add: 36-48, Jalan Bercham Bistari 2, Medan Bercham Bistari, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 37.48′ E 101 7.036′
Tel: +605-5458255
email: frshhtl@yahoo.com

Fresh Hotel
Add: 2 & 4, Jalan Mas, Falim, 30200 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 34.814′ E 101 3.137′
Tel: +605-2862818, +605-2862816
Fax: +605-2862812
email: frshhtl@yahoo.com

Ipoh Hotels
Grand View Hotel

Grand View Hotel
Add: 36, Jalan Horley, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.9′ E 101 4.975′
Tel: +605-2431488
Fax: +605-2431811

popular Ipoh hotels
Heritage Hotel

Heritage Hotel
Add: Jalan Raja Dihilir, 30350 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.701′ E 101 5.99′
Tel: +605-2428888
Fax: +605-2415299
email: ipreservation@heritage.com.my
Website: heritage.com.my

Highway Hotel
Add: 91, Jalan Medan Ipoh 1A, Medan Ipoh Bistari, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 37.206′ E 101 7.01′
Tel / Fax: +605-5487878
email: info@highway.com.my
Website: highway.com.my

Hillcity Hotel & Condo
Add: 227, Jalan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah, 31350 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 33.831′ E 101 6.71′
Tel: +605-3135555
Fax: +605-3129355
email: enquires@hillcity.com.my
Website: hillcity.com.my

Hill Times Inn Hotel
Add: Plot 15 & 13, Medan Soon Choon 1, Jalan Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, Taman Soon Choon, 31350 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 33.284′ E 101 6.908′
Tel: +605-3127977
Fax: +605-3127977
email: ragunathan203@gmail.com

new budget hotel Ipoh
Hotel Bajet Ipoh

Hotel Bajet Ipoh
Add: 3-9, Jalan Ali Pitchay, 30250 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.518′ E 101 5.159′
Tel: +6019-5736787 / +605-2410346
Email: hotel_bajet_ipoh@yahoo.com
Website: hotelbajetmalaysia.com

Hotel Excelsior
Add: 43, Jalan Sultan Abdul Jalil, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.845′ E 101 5.199′
Tel: +605-2536666
Fax: +605-2536912
email: mail@hotelexcelsior.com.my
Website: hotelexcelsior.com.my

Ipoh Hotels
Hotel Lotte

Hotel Lotte
Add: 97, Jalan Dato’ Onn Jaafar, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.981′ E 101 5.075′
Tel: +605-2542215, 2542216
Fax: +605-2551160
email: hotellotteipoh@gmail.com
Website: hotellotte.com.my

Hotel Seri Malaysia
Add: Lot 10406, Jalan Sturrock, off Jalan Tambun, 30350 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.344′ E 101 5.683′
Tel: +605-2412936
Fax: +605-241 2946
email: central@serimalaysia.com.my
Website: serimalaysia.com.my

Hotel Shangg
Add: 37, Jalan Leong Boon Swee, 31650 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.197′ E 101 4.806′
Tel: +605-2558090
email: veluhtl@yahoo.com
Website: facebook.com/shangghotel

iGarden Hotel
Ipoh’s first garden hotel

i’Garden Hotel
Add: 97, Jalan Raja Dihilir (formerly Jalan Tambun), 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 36.088′ E 101 6.973′
Tel: +605-5455500, +605-5495500
Email: igardenhotel@yahoo.com

Impiana Hotel Ipoh
Impiana Hotel Ipoh

Impiana Hotel Ipoh
Add: 18, Jalan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah, 30250 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.404′ E 101 5.677′
Tel: +605-2555555
Fax: +605-2558177
Email: info.ipoh@impiana.com
Website: ipohhotels.impiana.com.my

top hotels in Ipoh
Indulgence Living

Indulgence Living
Add: 14, Jalan Raja Dihilir, 30350 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.642′ E 101 5.619′
Tel: +605-2557051
email: indulge@indulgencerestaurant.com
Website: indulgencerestaurant.com

Ipoh Hotels
Ipoh Boutique Hotel

Ipoh Boutique Hotel
Add: 69 & 70, Jalan Dato’ Onn Jaafar, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 36.053′ E 101 5.074′
Tel: +605-2553333
Fax: +605-2553622
email: mike00133@gmail.com

Ipoh Hotels
Ipoh City Hotel

Ipoh City Hotel
Add: 18, Jalan Dass, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.976′ E 101 4.933′
Tel: +605-2418282

Ipoh Downtown Hotel
Ipoh Downtown Hotel

Ipoh Downtown Hotel
Add: 210, Jalan Sultan Idris Shah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak.
Tel: +605-2556766
Fax: +605-2558766
Email: reservation@ipohdowntown.com

Ipoh budget hotel
Ipoh Times Inn Hotel

Ipoh Times Inn Hotel
Add: 97 & 99, Medan Ipoh 1A, Medan Ipoh Bestari, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 37.226′ E 101 6.996′
Tel: +605-5472977, 5497977

Kinta Premier
Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites

Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites
Add: Jalan Lim Bo Seng, 30000 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 36.126′ E 101 4.768′
Tel: +605-2458888
Fax: +605-2458899
email: sales@kintariverfront.com.my
Website: kintariverfront.com.my

Lost World Hotel Tambun
Lost World Hotel

Lost World Hotel
Add: 2, Persiaran Lagun Sunway 1, Sunway City, 31150 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 37.901′ E 101 9.885′
Tel: +605-5408888
Website: sunwaylostworldoftambun.com/lost-world-hotel

Lucky Hotel
Add: 79, Jalan C.M. Yusuff, 30250 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.362′ E 101 4.975′
Tel: +605-2547777
Fax: +605-2545222
email: sales@luckyhotel.com.my
Website: luckyhotel.com.my

M-Boutique Hotel Ipoh
M-Boutique Hotel

M-Boutique Hotel
Add: 2, Hala Datuk 5, 31650 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.310′ E101 04.677′
Tel: +605-2555566
Fax: +605-2551777
email: m.enquiry@stayariva.com
Website: M-Boutique Hotel

Merloon Hotel
Add: 92, Jalan Mustapha Al-Bakri, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 35.666′ E 101 5.211′
Tel: +605-2541351
Fax: +605-2536755

MH Hotels
MH Hotels, Ipoh

MH Hotel
Add: PT 212695B, Jalan Medan Ipoh 1A, Medan Ipoh Bistari, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: N 04 37.313′ E 101 7.000′
Tel: +605-5451000 / +605-5451080 (DL)
Fax: +605-5451002
Email: enquiries@mhhotels.com.my
Website: mhhotels.com.my


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9 thoughts on “List of Ipoh Hotels

  1. I will visit ipoh with a friend on weekend and we are backpacking. We will use public transport in ipoh. We intend to stay in the old town and visit nearby. Can you recommend a budget hotel range below rm100 per room and within walking distance to ipoh attractions, bus and train station and food stall or restaurant. For your information, we are Muslims and we hope to stay in an appropriate place with safety for girls.
    Thank you in advance and pls reply to my email.

  2. hi emily
    just read your blog, and i find it informative, a lot of new things that i discover about ipoh by just reading your blogs.
    keep up the good works!!

  3. My favourite that I have went in Ipoh has to be Sekeping Kong Heng & Banjaran! Loved the design and unique & creativeness of Sekeping Kong Heng feeling. And Banjaran is just perfect for couples or newlywed to stay in! With their private pool plus hot spring… one of the best hotels in Malaysia ever.

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