Iconic Food: Satay Tuna Labuan

As part of our exploration of tourism products in the Federal Territory of Labuan at the invitation of Gaya Travel Magazine and hosted by Labuan Corporation, we visited a tuna sate factory. Seafood, as you may be aware, is the staple food of the people of Labuan. Sate, or satay in Malay, is the traditional food of Malaysia. Therefore, tuna sate is evidently the iconic food of Labuan.

The factory that we visited is owned by a company named Fisheries Glory. Using only tuna fish from the species Yellowfin, this company procures fish from local fishermen. Each tuna has to weigh at least 5kg.

Once the tuna meat has been cleaned and cut into pieces, they are placed in the cold room for one day. Then the meat is marinated with a mixture of secret blend of spices that include powder such as anise, coriander, cumin, tumeric and also grounded peanuts.

The marinated meat is kept in the chiller overnight. After removing the meat from the chiller, it is then skewered and packed, ten sticks in one packet. Each stick weighs about 22 – 25g. The packets are to be vacuum sealed, which are then placed in the freezer, ready to be sold. These frozen tuna sate has a shelf life of one year.

At Fisheries Glory, an average of three thousand sticks of tuna sate are produced on a daily basis. As each kilogramme of tuna meat can be made into 200 sticks of sate, the factory utilises 15kg of tuna per day.

Tuna sate by Fisheries Glory is sold at RM9 per pack in Labuan but can command RM17 per pack of ten sticks in Peninsular Malaysia. As you can see, this is premium sate. Understandably, as the entire stick is pure tuna meat without chunks of fat in the middle unlike chicken or beef sate.

At this Halal-certified Fisheries Glory, sate is distinctly one of their products. Other tuna items for sale are steak tuna, tuna balls and tuna burger.

By the way, preparing tuna sate is very simple. There are two methods to defrost the packet. Remove it from the freezer and place the packet at room temperature or place the packet in water. It takes just ten minutes to grill the tuna sate. Other ways of preparation include frying or microwaving.
Those interested in placing an order for these tuna food products may contact Fisheries Glory directly at:
Add: Pusat Transformasi Produk Perikanan, Pejabat Perikanan Labuan, KM4, Jalan Patau-Patau, P.O. Box 81411, 87024 WP. Labuan.
Email: fisheriesglory@gmail.com
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Tak pernah dapat peluang nak tengok bagai mana satay tuna dihasilkan selalu dapat makan jer bestnya dapat pergi kilang tengok sendiri mereka buat. Satay ni sedap tau…
oh my… never try this yet… interesting wei… Tuna Satay…
i bet for sure it taste good!! wanna but this tooooooooo
I’m feeling really hungry at this hour, the tuna satay looks really tender, I can’t wait to try it out for myself.
very nice experience you got to see the process of making this tuna satay. this is my very first time hearing about satay that is made from tuna. i should try em. Luckily it can be posted to peninsular or else i would cry
Wow, tuna pn org jadikn sate ke. I wonder how it taste like. Maybe it taste good, i dont know. Should really try this.
wow…impressed!! tak pernah jumpa dan makan lagi satay tuna… selalu makan satay ayam,daging,kambing,perut je… ini kali pertama tau tuna pon boleh dibuat satay.. mesti rasa dia sedap kan?
Menu yang lain dari yang lain. Jarang tengok menu satay ikan tuna. Teringin nak rasa saty tuna dengan perapan sos rahsia tu. Mesti sedap kan. Rasa nak pergi Labuan sekarang!
Ada any supermarket yg jual tuna satay ni tak…teringina nak rsa..mcm sedap je nmpak..
Selalu makan sashimi tuna ja…kalau satay pun mesti sedap ni kan
First time dengar tentang satay tuna. menarik. Jauh yer pemprosesan yer, di Labuan. No wonder harga mahal bila sampai ke semenanjung Malaysia. Nak kena cari ni satay tuna. sebab tak pernah jumpa lagi
woww ada satay tuna laa.. lagi best dia ada provide yang frozen punya jugak kan?? bestt nyee.. boleh try test sepeket nnti ni..
Menariknya ada satay tuna! Gambar.yang lps masak tu mmg nampak menyelerakan! Mane nak dapat tu dekat shah alam ni