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How to Convert Car to Classic / Vintage Status in Malaysia

As the owner of an old car, I have been wondering what I should do with my car. Keep or scrap it? I can’t sell it because it won’t pass Puspakom’s (Pusat Pemeriksaan Kenderaan Berkomputer) roadworthiness test. Nonetheless, I have done some reading up on my options.

So, here’s sharing the information that I have obtained. First of all, how do we define classic, vintage or antique cars?

From Mr Google:
Classic – above 20 years old
Antique – above 45 years old
Vintage – built between 1919 and 1930, both years inclusive

The initial step to consider converting the car, that is at least 25 years old, is to restore it as elegantly, and originally as possible. For example, a new coat of paint, cushion, upholstery, tyres, etc. Oil leak is totally unacceptable.

That’s not all. The owner of the car needs to own two other cars, irrespective of their ages, make, model but must be in working condition.

conversion form
conversion form

Together with the form (above) that is duly filled, submit with colour photos of the car that is applying for classic / vintage status. Photos should show the front, back, sides, interior, steering wheel, dashboard; chassis and engine numbers. Basically, enclose photos of the entire vehicle.

Don’t forget to append a copy each of the registration cards for all three cars, as well as a copy of the applicant’s MyKad.

Once submitted, for JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan) Ipoh, it is situated at Block G, wait to be scheduled for a vehicle test that is conducted at JPJ, twice a month. There is no necessity to get attestation from Puspakom.

In view of the time and money costs involved, conversion of car status is only worthwhile for large capacity cars that come with exorbitant road tax annually, as classic / vintage car owners can expect a reduction in road tax.

With love

3 thoughts on “How to Convert Car to Classic / Vintage Status in Malaysia

  1. May I know where to submit the application? Any JPJ office or must need to submit at Bahagian Kejuruteraan Automotif JPJ in Putrajaya?

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