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Harley Owners Reach Out to Special Needs Kids at Taman Sinar Harapan, Kuala Terengganu

1. Taman Sinar Harapan, Kuala Terengganu
1. Taman Sinar Harapan, Kuala Terengganu

The 3rd Kingz MG Annual Ride (KAR): East Coast Ride 2018 brought bikers from Kuala Lumpur to the east coast states of Terengganu and Pahang, in conjunction with Malaysia Day. The 6km convoy of bikers with their fleet of gleaming Harleys made heads turn throughout the journey.

 2. sewing in progress
2. sewing class in progress

However, the main highlight of the ride was a visit to Taman Sinar Harapan, Kuala Terengganu. It was a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative by Kingz MG.

 3. cash contribution by Kingz MG and friends to the school
3. cash contribution by Kingz MG and friends to the school

Pulling their resources together, members of Kingz MG, along with fellow convoy participants, Iron Head MG and Harley Owners Group (HOG) Terengganu, raised some RM5,300 for the school, currently accommodating 65 children, all slow learners of varying degrees.

4. entertainment by a student
4. entertainment by a student

This government school provides board and lodging for the children, aged 0 to 14, who hail from all over the state of Terengganu. Their day-to-day activities include daily living skills, sewing, cooking, music therapy and hydrotherapy.

 5. fun ride for the kids
5. fun ride for the kids

The cash donation raised by passing the hat around helps meet some of the school’s expenses. However, what made the bikers’ visit to the school way more memorable for the kids was fun rides on the huge Harley bikes, courtesy of the bikers!

 6. fun ride for the kids
6. fun ride for the kids

Although the ride was merely ten minutes for each child, the exhilaration would last for a long, long time. It was heart-warming to see love spread by the “rough and tough looking” bikers.

 7. Harleys parked at the school compound
7. Harleys parked at the school compound

Event: Visit to Taman Sinar Harapan, Kuala Terengganu
Date:15th Sept, 2018
Time: 3pm

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With love

5 thoughts on “Harley Owners Reach Out to Special Needs Kids at Taman Sinar Harapan, Kuala Terengganu

  1. I don’t know about motorcycles but oh boy these rides are so HOT! I like that one in red 😀

  2. Never know this is a CSR event till I read it.thought bikers event tour the place. What a good caused they did!

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