Galeri Demang Abdul Ghani, Melaka
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This traditional Malay house, built in 1894 without a single nail, belonged to the village headman at that time, Penghulu Abdul Majid. He was a tycoon whose ancestors were from Palembang, Indonesia. Penghulu or Demang were titles bestowed upon the head of society, and was highly respected by the community.
This house in Merlimau, Melaka, has six main sections: the porch, verandah, main house, living room, bedroom, kitchen and loft. The loft was reserved for the womenfolk only.
Three generations of headmen have lived here. They were Penghulu Abdul Majid (1831-1834), Demang Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Majid (1834-1934) and Penghulu Mat Natar bin Abdul Ghani (1934-1978). It is not surprising that this house became the administrative centre of the village, where many meetings were held to discuss community issues.
Preserving the heritage of old Melaka, the Melaka State Government, through Melaka Museums Corporation, restored this beautiful house and converted it into Galeri Demang Abdul Ghani, and was opened to the public since February 2011.
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