Eight Things To Do at Home During Movement Control Order (MCO)
It’s Day 5 of the Movement Control Order (MCO) and some people are already bored out of their mind. Personally, things are the same; my lifestyle hasn’t changed these few days (yet).
Anyway, the Ipoh Ciy Council (MBI) released some useful guidelines on how to spend your time at home. It’s not rocket science but it could help you pass time easier, and sooner or later, 1st April will be here.

By then, perhaps the MCO may or may not be lifted. Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.
1) Spend more time with your family members or housemates
2) Read a book
3) Exercise at home
4) Work from home
5) Keep in touch with family and friends
6) Study
7) Online shopping
8) Gotong-royong
The Ipoh City Council also released an advisory when reaching home during this COVID-19 outbreak. While wearing a surgical mask is supposedly for those who are unwell, one can get reprimanded by the authorities if it’s not worn in Ipoh. Let’s just hope we can get the stocks!!!

Whatever it is, let’s give our health utmost priority. Here are the steps to take after shopping.
1) Take off face mask, put it in a plastic bag and throw it into the dustbin
2) Avoid touching family members
3) Soak clothes in a pail of soapy water
4) Take a shower
5) You’re safe to meet your family members