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Breed Display @ National Horse Show 2010

As I have mentioned in an earlier post of my visit to the National Horse Show 2010 at the Perak Turf Club, it wasn’t just fun and games. It was also a very educational and eye-opening event so in this post, I hope you will join me in learning about some of the horse breeds that were displayed during the recent National Horse Show.

Peanuts - Percheron

Name: Peanuts
Year of birth: 1994
Sex: Gelding (male castrated horse)
Height: 16.2 hands high standing tall
Owner: Perak Turf Club

Breed information:
Type of breed: Percheron
Origin: France
Colours: white/grey

Characteristics: hardy, versatile, graceful
Temperament: even-tempered
Use: farming, draught work, artillary work, war horses, coach horses, ceremonial horses

Java (Kelantanese Pony)
Java (Kelantanese Pony)

Breed information:
Type of breed: Java (Kelantanese Pony)
Origin: Indonesia
Colours: Any

Characteristics: ugly but strong and tireless, adapts well in tropical heat, sure-footed, strong enough to work with cattle
Temperament: willing and good worker, unpredictable, courageous
Use: ranching, haulage, riding, pony racing

Shetland Pony
Cucu - Shetland Pony

Name: Cucu
Year of birth: 1980
Sex: Mare (a female horse aged 4 years and above)

Breed information:
Type of breed: Shetland Pony
Origin: Scotland
Colours: Any

Characteristics: kind, tolerant, inquisitive, intelligent
Temperament: intelligent, strong-willed, lively
Use: pack animal, driving, riding, pet

Harold Star - Haflinger

Name: Harold Star
Year of birth: 1995
Sex: Gelding (a castrated male horse)
Height: 138cm
Owner: Malaysian Armed Forces Equestrian Centre

Breed information:
Type of breed: Haflinger
Origin: Austria
Colours: Chestnut with flaxen mane and tail

Characteristics: intelligent, sure-footed, gentle
Temperament: very biddable temperament
Use: all-purpose riding – dressage and showjumping, forestry work, draw sleigh or wheeled vehicle

Plush Lady - Thoroughbred

Name: Plush Lady
Year of birth: 1994
Sex: Mare (a female horse aged four years and above)
Height: 165cm
Owner: Perak Turf Club

Breed information:
Type of breed: Thoroughbred
Origin: Britain
Colours: bay, dark bay, brown, chestnut, grey, black

Characteristics: athletic, slender, produces long low galloping action, intelligent, quick-thinking
Temperament: hot-blooded, sensitive
Use: eventing, racing, breeding

Thoroughbred & Selle Francais
Falcon 900 - Thoroughbred X Selle Francais

Name: Falcon 900
Year of birth: 2004
Sex: Stallion (a male horse aged four years and above)
Height: 150cm
Owner: Malaysian Armed Forces Equestrian Centre

Breed information:
Type of breed: Crossbreed (Thoroughbred X Selle Francais)

About Thoroughbred:
Origin: Britain
Colours: bay, dark bay, brown, chestnut, grey, black

Characteristics: athletic, slender, produces long low galloping action, intelligent, quick-thinking
Temperament: hot-blooded, sensitive
Use: eventing, racing, breeding

About Selle Francais:
Origin: France
Colours: mostly bay, chestnut, brown

Characteristics: especially trainable, tough, versatile
Temperament: bold, courageous
Use: competitions, showjumping, cross-country racing, eventing, parades, policing/patrol duties, ceremonial

Fallabella (Registered Miniature Horse)
Ginger - Fallabella (Registered Miniature Horse)

Name: Ginger
Year of birth: 1987
Sex: Mare (a female horse aged 4 years and above)
Height: 79cm
Owner: Institut Veterinar Malaysia

Breed information:
Type of breed: Fallabella (Registered Miniature Horse)
Origin: England, Holland, Germany, America
Colours: All colours

Characteristics: full of character
Temperament: gentle, affectionate, intelligent
Use: pet, harness, harness racing

Warmblood X Selle Francais
Sukhoi 30 - Warmblood X Selle Francais

Name: Sukhoi 30 (he bites!)
Year of birth: 2005
Sex: Stallion (a male horse aged four years and above)
Height: 160cm
Owner: Malaysian Armed Forces Equestrian Centre

Breed information:
Type of breed: Crossbreed (Warmblood X Selle Francais)

About Warmblood:
Origin: Germany
Colours: All solid colours

Characteristics: athletic, excellent stamina and strength
Temperament: calm, willing to work
Use: dressage, showjumping, used to improve breeds

About Selle Francais:
Origin: France
Colours: mostly bay, chestnut, brown

Characteristics: especially trainable, tough, versatile
Temperament: bold, courageous
Use: competitions, showjumping, cross-country racing, eventing, parades, policing/patrol duties, ceremonial

and then there was Bella, the donkey among the horses….

Bella - donkey

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With love

2 thoughts on “Breed Display @ National Horse Show 2010

  1. Hi… when is your next sale. I am looking to buy a horse for my use at my farm in Cameron Highlands.
    Tq. Gobalkrishnan

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