Balik Kampung SOP
It’s a long 3-day weekend to wrap up the week, and what am I doing? I’m staying home, so that I don’t contribute to the traffic congestion as our Muslim friends balik kampung to celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha.
The Prime Minister’s Department has issued a reminder to all traffic users to continue adhering to strict Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Prior to following SOP, the most important first step is to plan the trip, and plan it well.
Don’t forget to fill your fuel tank before starting on the journey. Pack some food, drinks or snacks and toys if you are travelling with children.
You are also discouraged to stop for visits along the way to your destination, except for quick toilet breaks. Basically, these are the same rules to follow when we were first allowed inter-state travelling following the Movement Control Order (MCO) on 18th March.
What are you doing these three days?
Yeah gotta take care of SOP…otherwise…MCO 2.0 which will devastate a lot of people.
Make we all adhere to all the SOP. Do not undo the great work that the others have done.