Announcement: Sharpened Word – Dato’ Dr. M. Shanmugalingam: Marriage and Mutton Curry (Jan 2019)
Great news! Sharpened Word kicks off 2019 with a sharing session by Dato’ Dr. M. Shanmugalingam, who will talk about his book, “Marriage and Mutton Curry”, launched late last year, at the Cooler Lumpur Festival.
“Marriage and Mutton Curry” is a collection of 15 fictional stories, of published and unpublished works, that are set in Malaya, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and Singapore.
Dato’ Dr. M. Shanmugalingam is currently the Managing Director of Trilogic Sdn Bhd, specialising in investments and consultancy services, besides sitting on board of the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) and the Board of Trustees.
If you love reading, or aspire to be a published author yourself, this is a great opportunity to interact with an experienced author, who is willing to share his experiences with us.
Pick his mind or whatever, don’t miss this chance to hear him speak at Sharpened Word January 2019, happening on 26th Jan at 22 Hale Street, 2pm until 5pm. See you there.
Event: Sharpened Word – Dato’ Dr. M. Shanmugalingam: Marriage and Mutton Curry
Venue: 22 Hale Street
Add: Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Ipoh Old Town
Date: 26th Jan, 2019
Time: 2pm – 5pm
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