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Wat Puthanimittam @ Taman Kemuncak, Ipoh Garden East

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Wat Puthanimittam
1. Wat Puthanimittam

Wat Puthanimittam is a Thai Buddhist temple on the fringe of Taman Kemuncak housing estate in Ipoh Garden East. Last year, on 1st May, the temple celebrated the consecration of the 33ft. (10m) tall Lord Shakyamuni Buddha statue in the lotus position.

Wat Puthanimittam
2. 33ft. Lord Shakyamuni Buddha in lotus position

Wat Puthanimittam
3. close-up shot

Although I have known of this wat quite some time ago, it was only recently that I found time to pay homage. The huge and magnificent Lord Shakyamuni Buddha statue was made of fibre glass and concrete and took two years to complete. The major parts of the statue was said to be built by Thai monks.

Wat Puthanimittam
4. entrance to the main temple of Wat Puthanimittam

Wat Puthanimittam
5. the main altar

This statue of Lord Buddha is flanked by two celestial dragons on the left and right. According to Buddhist mythology, dragons are guardians and their presence symbolises their power of clarity.

Wat Puthanimittam
6. Lord Maitreya with various Buddhas & Bodhisattvas

Wat Puthanimittam
7. first Buddha

Donations from devotees and the public funded the big Buddha statue project. There are plans to fence up the temple for security reasons.

Wat Puthanimittam
8. various Buddhas & Bodhisattvas


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5 thoughts on “Wat Puthanimittam @ Taman Kemuncak, Ipoh Garden East

  1. Can I have flower bath at the temple. What should i must bring. Any charges……..

    Hope to hear soon

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