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Pasar Malam (Night Market) @ Stadium Perak

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street food
road side dim sum

When I went to the pasar malam (night market) in Stadium Perak, I tried to look for something different than what I came across at the pasar malam in Medan Ipoh. You know, Ipoh is a small city, so we usually meet the same vendors no matter which night market we patronise!

BBQ King
BBQ King

fried food
finger food

As I have mentioned, it had been some time since I went to a pasar malam as even though I sometimes pass by the night market, it didn’t appeal to me enough to stop.

fresh fish
fresh fish

street fashion
street fashion

During my recent trip where I took the opportunity to look for colours to shoot, I came across a few new vendors, like the fresh fish seller, and I was also caught by surprise that we now can buy DRESSES at the night market! They look nice enough but too bad there was no portable dressing room.

hair accessories


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